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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I'd be content to eliminate about 90% of cheese from the average American diet. Just let me keep my pizza, otherwise, I can completely do without cheese.
  2. I'm aware. My parents didn't always buy shitty Kraft singles, but they always bought American cheese. I hate it, it's just that simple.
  3. Obviously. Just like I omitted the relish on my Chicago dog, I'll omit the sauerkraut on my New York dog. But that seems to make it not a tradition NY dog.
  4. I'd never touch a cheeseburger growing up, because everybody put shitty American cheese on it. Went to a good burger place when I finally got out of Podunk town and had a burger with harvarti cheese on it, among other things. Now that was a good burger.
  5. Yep, I'll be passing on the New York dog when I go. The mere thought of sauerkraut is enough to trigger my gag reflex. If I'm just eating a dog at home, all I want is a little spicy brown mustard.
  6. Don't New York dogs have sauerkraut? That shit is the grossest substance known to man. I'm not a fan of relish, so that was the only thing I left off my Chicago dog. They're messy to eat, but delicious as fuck.
  7. I don't think it's a Chicago thing, since I live way down in the South. And Chicago dogs are fucking delicious. One of my favorite parts of my vacation this Summer.
  8. True story, I bought a big box of those Van Houten pickles last month to take to work. I passed on the peppermint, though.
  9. We eat pickles down here all the time, too. She'd just never met a while person who loved the shit outta them like me. What "potato salad thing", though?
  10. Ugh, I had my fill of sleeping on the cough earlier this week while I was sick. My back is still angry at me for it.
  11. Thanks for mentioning me, @SaysWho?! I think I'm gonna drag the husband out tomorrow to go early vote. He's taking the day off to spend with me and he'll be working on election day. Plus, I've never early voted, I think I should give it a shot! No secret what my ballot will look like.
  12. I actually wonder how much I'll get to play this weekend. I took off, but I'll be spending time with the husband, we're going to the airshow, and the World Series is on. I'm sure I'll get a little time in, but it won't be playing it a ton til Monday.
  13. I fucking had nightmares last night about being in a creepy house, followed by ghosts. Goddammit.
  14. Are you talking about cheese in general or just American cheese? Because I thgout it was pretty common to put cheese in eggs, especially when making an omelette. I don't do it, personally, but I see it all the time, regardless of skin color. A bit different, but I recently found out something that does appear to be a black thing: Peppermint and dill pickles. One of my black coworker/friends told me about it. First thing, though, she saw me eating a dill pickle and seemed surprised because she said she'd never known white folks to eat pickles. Now that was a surprise to me. I've been eating the shit outta dill pickles since I had teeth. but putting them with peppermint?
  15. Not a damn thing. American cheese is the reason I hated cheese as a kid, because it's all my family ever bought.
  16. I hate that woman. So many people in my real life use her to justify calling trans people fakes and mentally ill.
  17. I might have held out if it weren't for the fact Amazon only charged me $40.65 for it. I still haven't figured that out. I've not been playing a ton of games lately and I've barely gotten into AC.
  18. I feel this is going to be overhyped. I'm tempering my expectations. I have no doubt it'll be a blast, though.
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