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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. The offense in LA has been embarrassing. I mean, this is the lineup that handily outperformed the Yankees and Astros lineups. But they've looked silly until that swing. Let's hope this gives them a much needed jolt.
  2. I had a good feeling about Moreland. Come on guys, you've got the offense, do this.
  3. That's fair. Hopefully I get to throw my opinion in tomorrow or Monday. It's the first weekend I've had off with my husband in ages and RDR isn't really the priority right now. My solo time is dedicated to the the World Series for now.
  4. I haven't started the game yet, but to be fair, you're usually pretty hyperbolic about games. You either praise them to the moon and back or cast them into the pits of hell.
  5. Frankly, I'm tired of demonizing immigrants, blaming them for the destruction of the country when armed white boys are doing a fine job of that on their own.
  6. Price, who pitched 6 innings on Wednesday and got 2 outs in the 'pen tonight? I don't see it. They'd be better off starting E-Rod. Of, fuck, even Pomeranz. Their pitching plan is fucked for Game 4. Hope the offense gets on track for it, at least.
  7. I have no fucking clue what the Sox are going to do about tomorrow.
  8. I can barely contain my disgust when I go into a patient's room and they're watching Hannity or whatever Fox garbage is on. I rush through what I have to do and I'm out. I can't even tolerate a minute of that shit.
  9. I'm looking to finally upgrade my Gen 4 iPad soon, though I doubt I need a Pro. I'll probably just go for the Air.
  10. Pizza is pizza. Some is better than others, but at the end of the day, I'll eat a Totinos if it's there.
  11. Well, I've always said food snobs suck. That includes beer/alcohol snobs, too.
  12. I just remembered to take my copy downstairs to let it install. World Series is more important right now. shit, I might not even play it til Sunday night.
  13. Watched 3 episodes before the game. Really good stuff. It's so nice to see a really well done video game adaptation. Voice work is fantastic.
  14. Just got done. That took longer than I expected. Straight blue ticket for me!
  15. I got my husband to watch episodes 3 and 4 with me last night. Now he's interested. May try to blow through it this weekend while we're off together.
  16. Just finished season 3 of Man in the High Castle. 8/10. It went places and I'm eager to see where the next season goes. Seems that maybe there's some hope on the horizon. That last episode really hit hard, though. Nazis on the street, being violent, starting fires, chanting "blood and soil" just about did me in.
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