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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. The Witcher 3 is my most played game on Steam by a long shot. 134 hours and I completed both expansions and virtually all the sidequests. It's one of my all time favorite games and I still haven't completed any other WRPG outside the series.
  2. While I sneer at Pence having a Messianic Jew there, does it really make a difference to anti-semites? It's not like the Nazis only targeted practicing Jews. Jason is a Jew by their standards, even if he's completely secular.
  3. Pretty cool seeing Brady make that block for Edelman. 41 years old and still doing it. I wonder if I'll watch football after he retires.
  4. Yepppp. Those games had issues when ported over, primarily due to load times. You're better off playing them on just about anything else.
  5. I'm leaning toward canceling my preorder now. I was never going to play this thing, it was more for the novelty. But that's kinda wearing off and $100 is pretty steep.
  6. I really wouldn't take issue with that. I kinda doubt it happens anytime soon, but who knows. Now we get to speculate just how much the Yankees are going to pay Machado and inch back up to that luxury tax threshold. As for Harper, my guess is he stays with the Nationals. The Yankees don't really need his position filled and I can't think of many other teams willing to pay his the kind of money he wants, plus he's indicated he'd like to stay in Washington.
  7. The problem is, it seems like the media never really calls these people out on their bullshit. I've noticed some of them have gotten better at pushing back, but it still doesn't happen often enough.
  8. So what do you suggest? I'm not looking to get into a bitter argument, I was really only responding to your initial post, which seemed to simplify things. I'm certainly no economist, but I'd be interested to read some thoughts.
  9. I mean, I dunno, your one and only post was basically, "surprise, the team that spends the most wins the WS," when that isn't always the case. That's what I was responding to. Of course, teams who spend more generally have a better chance, but it doesn't guarantee success. Your Indians very nearly won it all in 2016 with a payroll of around $100 million. the Astros of 2017 cruised past the Red Sox to win it all with 17th highest payroll in the league that year. I'd be fine with salary caps, because it's only going to get more ridiculous. Bryce Harper wanting $350 million after his mediocre season? Dirty Machado probably going to command around $300 million?
  10. Of course I did. But let's be real, nearly all of Boston's core fielding positions are homegrown talent. They made some great trades, using their farm system as chips. Only 2 of their big players came from big free agent signings. A good chunk of their current payroll is made up of the poor signings of Ramirez and Sandoval, who no longer play for the team. They've got money, but it's not like they went out and signed all the top free agents to get to where they are. Big payrolls don't always equate to success, as the article points out with the examples of San Francisco and Washington. And smaller market teams can experience their own success, like the Indians did in 2016 and still do, to an extent. Or the Brewers. I'm just saying it's not as simple as some make it out to be.
  11. Chrono Trigger isn't even a real PS1 game and the PS port is hot garbage.
  12. I feel conflicted. I hate giving these people a platform, but I don't want CNN and other outlets to become like Fox News. But I really hate giving people like Conway a platform to spew egregiously false narratives.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/29/politics/kellyanne-conway-anti-religiosity-fox-news/index.html What in the actual fuck? Is she just ignoring the fact this guy is a Christian Nationalist who called Jews "the children of Satan?" What world is she living in?
  14. Well, I didn't play it at all this weekend. I could have last night, but I just wasn't feeling it and played Luigi's Mansion on 3DS instead. No regrets. I think I'm gonna start it up today.
  15. That's...not a great list. Good thing I have a PS1 and pretty much all the titles I care about for the system(I think I'm at 90 or so games).
  16. https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonywitrado/2018/10/22/red-sox-and-dodgers-have-huge-payrolls-but-its-money-spent-wisely/amp/ Of note to those bitching about payrolls.
  17. The Haunting of Hill House, 9.5/10. God damn, that was great. Right amount of legit scares, they nailed the atmosphere, and told a heart wrenching story. Castlevania Season 2 8.5/10. Easily the best video game adaptation ever done. It was a bit slow, but good character exploration, the voice acting was solid, music was good, and it was a faithful adaptation of my favorite game series.
  18. Okay, so we ended up finishing it tonight, since the game didn't last stupidly long. I got some feels at the end. I think it wrapped it up perfectly. This is easily my favorite production from Netflix. Really well done show, the scares were legit, but it told a really good story. Now go read the book, you assholes.
  19. Well, you're in a baseball thread, soooo
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