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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Thanks for that. I look forward to reading IT. It's been on my Kindle for a while, but I went with Salem's Lot since it's shorter. I wasn't ready for the long one, yet.
  2. The Shining, I've not experienced either. I want to, though, and I plan to read the book first. I'm really getting into Stephen King and his earlier works.
  3. @Nokra, yeah, I'm not just a huge LotR fan. Actually, I've never really been a big fantasy fan, except for my crazed fandom of Harry Potter. And I enjoyed those movies a fair but, but they don't hold a candle to the books.
  4. It does? It's a lot higher than beer, so I still wouldn't have any tolerance for it.
  5. And some movies I often forget were books first. Like Jaws. And The Godfather.
  6. It's actually hard to imagine the novella surpassing the movie for Shawshank. I've never read much Stephen King(until lately, now I'm starting to get into his books, at least his earlier works), but Shawshank is really one of the greatest films of all time. And normally I read the book before watching the movie, but I've yet to read IT, though I really liked the movie and am anticipating the sequel. Gonna try to read the book before it comes out, though.
  7. I remember seeing most of Tombstone back in the day, but I couldn't tell you much about it, aside from watching Val Kilmer die. I just associate westerns with the boring ass crap my in-laws always have on the TV every fucking time I visit them. It's sooo painful.
  8. I still need to read Jurassic Park. I almost bought it a while back, but something else caught my eye instead. I do enjoy films that are significantly different from the book. I love The Haunting of Hill House and I think the Netflix adaptation was fantastic in its own right. I think they went the right direction with it.
  9. Really, because there have been some moments where I really wish I'd been in a chemical haze and numb to reality. But, yes, I know it doesn't actually solve anything.
  10. The general consensus has always been that the books are better than their screen versions. I almost always agree. But I thought it would be interesting for those of us who love to read discuss where we feel the opposite. Two notable exceptions for me are The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I remember being in high school when LotR was out and taking the world by storm. I had a friend who loved to read, probably even more than myself and even she agreed that the books were a slog at times and you'd be better off just watching the movies. After making a halfhearted attempt the the first book, I took her advice. Maybe one day I'll give the books another go, but I haven't gotten there yet. Hell, even though I enjoyed the movies, I haven't seen them in years. My husband has never seen them and we keep saying we're going to sit down and watch the Extended Editions(which I do own on blu ray), but we haven't done it yet because they're so damn long. As for GoT, I did read the first three books in the series, but Martin is too long on descriptions and his books are a chore to read at times. I gave up on A Feast for Crows. And the man takes too long to write a book, so I've just stuck with the show. It's not perfect by any means, but it's overall provided me with some damn good entertainment. So what say you, fellow book lovers? Do you agree with me or not and do you have other books that have been outdone by the big or small screen?
  11. The Satanic Temple is suing, not the Church of Satan. They're two different organizations.
  12. I actually don't watch much TV. I'm currently catching up on my magazines.
  13. I wanna have a good comeback, but I'm too damn distracted to think of one. Dammit.
  14. I mean, there are a lot of factors. Most people are just better off leaving the TV out of the bedroom. Most people aren't like how def star claims to be. I definitely wouldn't have one in my room if I didn't sometimes exercise in there. But we really don't have another good place to put the treadmill, so that's that. You have a pretty argumentative nature, so I guess I'm just conditioned by it and assume you're trying to argue.
  15. I have and this is not controversial stuff. Most experts will agree that electronics of any kind right before bed is disruptive to your sleep. This has been known for quite some time. I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue. It's because I've done some research in the past that I've made efforts to cut this shit out of my life. I still struggle sometimes with checking my phone in bed, but I've gotten better. There's a TV in our room, but it's really only there because the bedroom is where we keep our treadmill and I watch it while I'm exercising sometimes. It never gets turned on otherwise.
  16. The science says watching TV in bed is harmful to your sleep cycles. https://www.sleep.org/articles/is-it-bad-to-watch-tv-right-before-bed/ I mean, this stuff is pretty easy to research.
  17. It's times like these I wish I had a tolerance for and actually enjoyed alcohol.
  18. That's why I go with the science. Evidence-based practice is a good thing.
  19. I'm happy to have adventure mode. It's really the only way I enjoy playing, since I suck when trying to play with my husband and his friends. I don't bother with online.
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