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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Actually, I'm pretty sure when I last played the game last week, I said I was enjoying it more, though the issues were still present. I just don't think it's perfection and I'm no longer anticipating it being my GotY, which I thought it had a lock on. You can still enjoy a game, even if it does have some significant issues. I'll probably play it some later tonight.
  2. Happy birthday, enjoy the final year of your 20s. Your 30s don't really feel all that different, though.
  3. I don't really care enough to search through old posts, but you were definitely ridiculous and persistent in complaining about the game to the point of it coming off as antagonizing. There are legitimate issues with RDR2. Even people who like the game notice the issues. Reviewers even noticed the issues. You like it, that's great. Even most people who have issues with the game here still like it. It's just not perfect, far from it.
  4. I mean, I don't disagree that his posts only saying the game sucks are just plain trolling, i'm just pointing out that best is the last person who should be calling him out on it. Post that actually discuss real criticisms with the game are fine, though. Biggie had been doing that before.
  5. I don't see how. But then, Americans are stupid and love stupid entertainment like BBT. And it still doesn't change the fact that it was dumb from a narrative standpoint.
  6. That's amazing. I don't care much about many actors on a personal level, but she's one I would love to meet. I read an interview with her in Time last week and she likes to buy multiple copies of books she really loves to give to people she meets up with.
  7. Ratings are down, though. I don't get it from a narrative standpoint. It seems stupid. But this is the show that has one of the most stupid deaths of all time, with Beth.
  8. So I read what happened and I don't get it. Just kill this travesty of a show already.
  9. I'm not comparing the games, I'm pointing out how ridiculous it is for you to tell Biggie to stop complaining about a game when that's all you did in multiple other threads. The reality is, RDR2 isn't perfection. There are some serious issues with control and other small designs that for some people, can kill their enjoyment of the game. Rockstar made this huge, impressive world, but went stupid on the small parts that are essential to being able to enjoy a game for many people.
  10. I mean, it's true! I thought he was never going to stop his bitching, he kept it up even after he was done with the game and even brought it to other threads.
  11. That's why I quit watching. Once in a while, I'll read a bit to see which major characters die, but that's about it.
  12. I'll read about it later tonight. This show is circling the drain, lol.
  13. Clunky controls can really break your enjoyment for a game, though. There's a ton to like here. I just can't, for the life of me, figure out why Rockstar made so many stupid choices when it came to the controls.
  14. I'm just curious, but can you name a magazine that's perfect? One that you have absolutely no complaints about and agree with 100% of their articles?
  15. I think you guys might be overstating drama. Your threshold is quite low.
  16. I never got into Twitter. FB is enough of a cesspool and I only use it to keep up with a few people I no longer live around.
  17. The HP movies will always hold a special place in my heart, but they don't hold a candle to the books. But it's still quite a lot of fun seeing the books come to life.
  18. I always kinda wondered, in a state as blue as MA, how does a Republican get elected governor? But you guys also elected Scott Brown, even if it was only for a couple years.
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