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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. There was a time, not just super long ago, when I still had a list of guns I wanted to eventually buy. Not anymore. I'm so over that shit. I actually sold off one of my pistols earlier this year. I would happily do away with the Second Amendment and implement new regulations on gun ownership. Americans have repeatedly proven they don't deserve unfettered access to guns.
  2. I mean, I think the world would be better off without Donald Trump existing in it, but I don't wish for needless suffering.
  3. I don't know if it's been posted here yet, but Alabama passed a measure effectively outlawing all abortion. Fuck this shit. This is why I feared so much for the SCOTUS.
  4. Well, I'm reasonably satisfied with the results, though fuck you Florida and Georgia. Also, fuck my state, but I never had any hope for it.
  5. My mom would probably tell me I turned out okay and I was spanked. She really has no idea what I continue to struggle with. And I can't talk to her about it.
  6. Our relationship is...not great. She apologized for the beatings but I don't think she really understands what she did and I think she'd do it all over again if she got the chance. She knows she can't hit me anymore, but now she uses her words to hurt me. She did that before, too. I still see her, but it's like walking on eggshells. I never know which version of he I'll get. I'm actually going to visit my family later this week, it'll be the first time I've seen them in 6 months.
  7. If the science is clear that it's harmful to children and there are other options, I don't see why anyone would hit their children, unless they're just mean, ignorant, or both.
  8. Except the studies don't really draw a distinction between "spanking" and "beating." Best advice, don't hit your kids. The outcomes aren't good. If you have to resort to hitting your kids, you've failed as a parent. I can get parents of generations past who didn't know any better, but the evidence is clear and plentiful now. There's no reason to ignore it.
  9. I could be using the wrong word, but I think that's what it was. It was this thick piece of clear, hard plastic. The edges were sharp and hard, not rounded or anything. If it went on too long and I resisted, she'd throw me to the floor and sit on me. She liked to go for the backs of my calves/thighs, rather than my butt. This went on through most of my teen years. She also liked to backhand my face if I "got smart" with her. I might have even been in my 20s the last time she hit me. I got old enough and knocked her ass to the ground, linebacker style, a few times before she finally quit. Then, of course, she tried to guilt me for giving her bruises from that.
  10. I think there's enough evidence that anyone who believes in science should be firmly in the don't-hit-your-kids camp.
  11. I still have scars on the backs of my hands from my mom's favorite "spanking" tool, a fiberglass board. It's instinctive to put your hands behind you to try to block the blows coming at your legs.
  12. Yeah, don't read the comments section. These people think your kid will turn into a serial killer if you don't hit them when they're young.
  13. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/here-s-what-spanking-does-kids-none-it-good-doctors-n931306 I refuse to use the term "spanking" as it's just a euphemism. I was routinely hit as a child, but my mom took it to another level. It didn't help me and I definitely struggle with my aggression as an adult. I get violently angry and it takes work to control it. I wonder if my childhood had anything to do with it? It's also part of the reason I don't want kids. I actually wonder what most of the parents who post here do.
  14. I decided to pretty much read through the plot synopsis, so I know what happens. I also failed to play it last night on my one night off. Working tonight and tomorrow, then I'm headed out of town til Monday, so it'll be a while.
  15. There's definitely such a thing as dragging out a show too long.
  16. Nah, it just played differently and you didn't feel so goddamn clunky moving around. Same with GTA5. I actually played through GTA5 twice, once on PS3 and once on PC. It's not been long enough for nostalgia. Nostalgia failing me was when I went back to replay GTA4 a few years ago and realizing it hadn't aged as well as I thought. I got about 2/3 through and gave up.
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