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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I kinda want to play AC Odyssey tonight, but in reality I don't think I will. Just got back from a long weekend of hunting with my family and I don't think the gaming mood is there for me. A week off from RDR2 and that itch has gone away.
  2. Weird. I live in a pretty large subdivision in a decent sized city and everyone here just has a mailbox. Maybe it's different in giant city, like NYC or whatever, but I definitely don't live in rural area anymore. If all you have is a mail slot, you don't have an easy way to send off your mail. I know there are drop boxes, but I'd had to drive to the nearest one every time I wanted to mail a simple envelope. I guess your original comment just came off as strange to me that you thought everyone had a mail slot.
  3. I actually don't really see the mail slots anymore. We live in a residential area within the city limits, basically the suburbs, and every house has a regular old mailbox. My in-laws live in a really small town, but the houses arranged like any other neighborhood close together and they don't have mail slots on their doors, they just have little boxes outside the front door for mail to go into. Pretty sure the only time I've ever seen a mail slot is on TV and movies.
  4. Lots of us here would love to help you, @HardAct. I'm so sorry for everything you're going through.
  5. The husband and I plan to watch it soon. Feel the need to finish it, since we've stuck with it all this time.
  6. RIP I really can't be upset, though. You live to be 95 and have the kind of life he did, you did alright. I see death daily and you come to accept it's just a natural part of life. The only deaths that affect me these days are the tragic ones, like a girl I knew from school died of cancer a few weeks ago. 31 and left behind a husband and 3 year old daughter. That's tragic. Most of us will never be as fortunate as Stan Lee.
  7. I bought a six pack of Blue Moon this weekend and I've drank two of them.
  8. I actually don't know of anyone down here who actually says "bless your heart." I'm sure some old people do, but I don't even think my grandparents say that.
  9. I figured the guy used an extended magazine. Fuck those things, they shouldn't exist. There's absolutely no civilian need for them.
  10. Yep. Thays why I said this administration is a bunch of fucking liars and anyone with half a brain shouldn't buy their shit.
  11. I know what you're saying and I agree with you. His post came off condescending. I was just saying that, as a person who has lived in the South my entire life, lived in two tiny rural towns until I was 25, raised with these Southern values, I didn't see anything there that warranted an apology from Acosta. The idea is rather ridiculous.
  12. I mean, I'd probably apologize if I actually did something unintentional to hurt someone, but that was barely contact. If I were the woman in the video, I don't think I'd be remotely offended enough to even think someone owed me an apology. And I'm a born and bred Southerner here. But I can't wrap my head around this one. This could have been the same situation in the Obama administration with a Fox News reporter and if it had gone down the same way, I wouldn't have been able to find any fault in the reporter, because there's just nothing there. But then, I cant really begin to imagine this kind of stupid within any other administration.
  13. Lol, it's a reach to say he pushed her arm. Someone gets up in my personal space, trying to take the mic away when I'm asking a question, my arm might come into contact with theirs, too. JFC, is this really what humanity has come to these days?
  14. Holy fucking shit, what person with half a functioning brain could see anything close to assault there?
  15. I know. I'm just saying how much I've changed. I was never as big a gun nut as your average gun nut(like my parents), but I'm pretty much just like "fuck it" in regards to guns these days. I'll always keep my bolt action rifle I use for deer hunting, the 20 gauge shotgun that belonged to my late Papaw, and my two 22 LRs, one which I got from my parents when I turned 16 and one which my grandpa gave me that is from the 1930s. But other than that, meh. Other than the sentimental value and hunting, I just don't care about owning more guns. I hate that this is a problem unique to America and we don't do shit about it.
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