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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. You should really play some SNES classics. Ignore some of the AAA formulaic crap being churned out and hop on the classic train! P.S. I give you credit for playing Hollow Knight, at least.
  2. It's easily my least favorite Nintendo console ever, aside from Virtual Boy, which hardly counts. Sure, it had some classics, like Mario 64, Star Fox, and Zelda, but they've gotten superior ports/remakes on newer systems. Mario Kart 64 was the bomb back then, but much better sequels have been released. I definitely don't give a shit about wrestling games. Banjo wasn't bad, but I don't think i'd ever care to play it again. The graphics are just ugly as fuck these days and I speak as someone who has a fancy RGB modded N64 on an upscaler. It looks as good as it possibly can and it's still ugly. Early 3D just hasn't aged well, not only in looks, but controls and camera. And I hated the controller. It wasn't bad for its time, but it's aged horribly and a lot of the best games are still around, only done better. SNES, on the other hand, is timeless. Some of the greatest games of all time are housed on that system and they still look and play great. I'm a Genesis fan, btw, too. 16-bit graphics have aged much better than early 3D.
  3. I bought the game on Steam and Switch, yet i've had a hard time getting into it. Maybe I'll give it a go down the line.
  4. Something seems horribly wrong that you'd ignore the masterpiece that was SNES and play the shit out of the garbage N64.
  5. My reading has been slow going lately, just been busy with life stuff, haven't had a ton of time for my usual hobbies. I still need to finish Salem's Lot, though I don't have much further to go.  I also got Michelle Obama's book, so I'm starting that, too. Been anticipating it for a while.
  6. Got this one preordered, looking forward to give it a whirl.
  7. Also, I had a patient last night watching Hannity while I was in the room trying to do his admission, so I was forced to listen to that garbage for a while. Hannity kept ranting on the Acosta suspension, fake news, and the lawsuit CNN filed. I might not have felt too bad when pulling off the numerous EKG stickers from his particularly hairy torso. Fox personalities aren't laughably bad anymore, they're horrific and people just lap up the garbage they spew.
  8. Not his dog, it was a stray at a camp where younger Huck and his buddy were counselors. A lot of details can't be verified, but they were most definitely fired for killing a dog there.
  9. One of my college teachers posted this and the comments from the small town folk were...ugh. One said she didn't see any difference, just a group of people and another said it wasn't the GOP's fault if they just didn't happen to have minorities and women running and you shouldn't vote for someone because of their skin color or sexuality, but vote for them for what they stand for. I fucking hate people sometimes.
  10. Well, my post seemed fairly clear on my thoughts about facial tattoos. I would assume if you live in a culture where facial tattoos are common, you'd be fine. I still don't find them attractive, though.
  11. Well, I did say i generally have no issues with people who get tattoos They're just not for me. Face tattoos are dumb because they're going to limit your job opportunities in life. I guess it's fine if you're going for a career as a tattoo artist, but most employers will turn you down if they see that. I don't really care if people want a tattoo on their face, though. I wouldn't date someone with a facial tattoo, but that's me.
  12. I'm not sure how you classify a Northern state, then. New York has also elected Peter King haw many times now? I'm sure I could dig up some more if I wanted to take the time. I also recently read an article about people in Illinois, Michgan, etc displaying Confederate flags, which I totally do not understand. The South sucks in some very special ways, but we, by no means, have a monopoly on shitty racist people.
  13. Except you can never take it off. That's why I don't want a tattoo. But I got nothing against people with tattoos, in general. Unless they're hateful. And I think putting tattoos on your face is just stupid.
  14. I'm honestly kind of tired of hearing "this is not who we are." I think we've seen this shit enough to know this is exactly who we are.
  15. Oddly, nothing just super wowed me this year. I liked some games quite a bit and I've still got games to complete, but right now, God of War is probably my GotY.
  16. Derp. That's what I get for looking at the board during a mid-morning, sleep interrupting, bathroom emergency.
  17. I canceled my preorder for this a few weeks ago. I'm still gonna pick it up when it's really cheap, but I have too much to play right now and not enough time, so I figured it was for the best.
  18. I don't think I'll be seeing this in theaters, since we rarely go to the theater, but I may very well give this a rental down the line. It's mainly because of Ryan Reynolds.
  19. Ah, I think I've seen what you're talking about. My aunt lives in some HUD apartments in a smaller city(about 75k people) and they're decent, but each building just has a line of unlocked regular mailboxes outside. I've lived in two apartments in two cities and we actually had locked mailboxes on each building. Packages at the last one I lived at would be handed to the front office if you weren't present to receive it at the door.
  20. I'm talking about people who don't live in apartments and buildings in the heart of a city. I live in a city, but I Iive in a totally residential area, nothing but homeowners. We don't have drop boxes. You do realize a ton of people live in suburban areas, right?
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