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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. ALttP, though BotW is probably my favorite 3D Zelda. I never played a Zelda game til TP, which was also the first one I beat.
  2. No games for me, but I did buy some new sports clothes, and the book nerd store I buy from had BOGO on their shirts, so I got Great Gatsby and Haunting of Hill House shirts
  3. It's kinda overrated, but what we had today was pretty good.
  4. I want to see this. I actually watched the original and the sequel this week. This movie was such a huge part of my childhood. I had soooo much Lion King merchandise as a kid.
  5. I really enjoy not having random wild Pokémon battles. I was skeptical at first, but it really turned out quite well.
  6. Far Cry 5 is pretty forgettable, except for the shitty ending. I almost forgot I played it this year. It's just a re-skin of 3 and 4 in the North American wilderness, with a worse story and characters. I really want to play AC Odyssey, but I've been busy with other stuff. Adjusting to a new work schedule, been out of town, hunting season, holidays, having more interest in reading books, etc. Hopefully I can play it some next week when I'm back from Thanksgiving, hunting, and work. I want to play it more than RDR2 right now.
  7. Eh, really it was just Best being dumb about the game. I don't even know if i've played 5 games this year, let me think: Far Cry 5(I wasn't too fond of it by the end, though it was largely fun) Persona 5(last year's game) Tomb Raider Spider-Man Luigi's Mansion(remake, though I love the game) Holy shit, is that it for games I've actually beaten this year? Might be, though there could be something else I'm forgetting. I haven't gotten far in AC Odyssey, RDR2, Pokemon: Let's Go, or DQXI.
  8. I ain't missin' Ralph Breaks the Internet. In hindsight, though, I wish I'd skipped Fantastic Beasts and gone for Creed. After some reflections last night, the movie was kind of a mess.
  9. I was on record multiple times saying I expected it to be my definitive GotY. Then I actually played it. It's not terrible, but there are some serious flaws that take away my enjoyment. I enjoyed God of War, Tomb Raider, even Spider-Man(and some people remember me stating my early issues with it) more. And there's still Smash in a couple weeks. I just figured this game would have been universally loved by the board, but after having actually played it, I can easily see why people aren't crazy about it. It does a lot really well, but the controls just really hamper the enjoyment most people should be having for it. I still expect it to walk away with GotY from gaming "journalism," but I swear Rockstar paid them off, because the review scores aren't reflective of the quality of the game.
  10. Ugh, I wanna see this, but I probably won't get to it in theaters. Too many movies out right now for someone who doesn't go to the theater often. Saw the signs for it last night and I got a sad face.
  11. But just from reading this thread, the opinions on RDR2 are pretty divided. Even people who enjoy it admit there are some serious flaws. Only one person definitively put it as their GotY.
  12. Beating Persona 5 in Sept. is the reason I haven't jumped into DQXI yet. Just finished a 100 hour JRPG and wasn't ready for another one!
  13. Kind of a weird joke, because it makes no sense. You do seem a little sensitive about people criticizing RDR2.
  14. It's really good, but not even my favorite Zelda. I didn't play it on N64. My first experience was actually the 3DS game. I don't think I could deal with the N64 controller and ugly visuals now.
  15. Where are you seeing so much of this? Seems like most people in here have played the games they have opinions on.
  16. I guess I'm doing okay. I have roughly a year's salary in my retirement accounts, $6k in emergency savings, and I own a home that should be paid off in about 5.5 years. And I'm 31.
  17. Fair enough. I just wanted a little of the backstory between the Marauders! I still enjoy all the movies. But the books will always reign supreme.
  18. I gave up on the books. Oddly, I'm not feeling super excited about the final season, but that could change as it gets closer to April.
  19. Half Blood Prince was my favorite book, but they left out so much regarding Voldemort's history, that the movie was a big disappointment. I mean, I get it, because the later books were so huge, but Prisoner of Azkaban wasn't THAT long, so they could have included a bit more.
  20. Prisoner of Azkaban wasn't a bad movie but it pissed me off with how much they left out from the books. Especially the history of the Marauder's Map.
  21. Fantastic Beasts: the Crimes of Grindelwald - 8/10. Another really good entry in the Wizarding World series. I feel like I missed some stuff and I need to watch it again, though.
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