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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. You seem to keep missing the point that I don't have any desire to get into this argument with you and I've said all I can really say on the topic.
  2. I just wanted to make sure to thank you for that, publicly. The only thing I ever said was that I had a patient and his wife who were cheering on Hannity's racist bullshit and I said I didn't feel too horrible for pulling off the sticky EKG patches from his super hairy torso and I didn't linger around to chat with them. That's totally the same thing as letting someone die because they didn't have CNN on.
  3. I stand by my statements and I don't see the need for these additional arguments. The poverty argument really seems like it's coming out of left field. You came into the thread spouting dishonest bullshit, how dare I say you're dishonest! Shocking! Also, Arkansas only has about 3 million people. I'm sure exploding the population overnight would cause some issues, regardless of the origin of those folks. I have absolutely no problem with living among immigrants, some of my neighbors are immigrants. I work with a ton of immigrants. The vast majority of progressives, including myself, realize that this country can't absorb every single immigrant who wants to come here, having open borders, not vetting them, etc.We just believe in not demonizing brown people and blaming them for society's ills and we realize that most of them are good people who are just desperate to escape poverty and violence and want to make a better life for themselves and their children and should be treated with basic humanity.
  4. Unless you're suggesting Dodger is borderline mentally retarded, I don't see the merit of arguing this point right now.
  5. As I've already stated in this very thread, we're way past the point of disagreeing with each other's political views. I disagreed with peoples' political views before Trump, when the most heated things we had to argue over were tax cuts and health care. Demonizing different racial and ethnic groups, treating them like they're not fully human, is not a political view. It's basic human decency and, yes, I will look down on people all day long who spout hateful, bigoted rhetoric. I will also look down on people who blatantly lie about my integrity as a nurse to score some internet point.
  6. Sure, I'd give her platform more credit if she didn't back up her shitty husband and his daily bullying.
  7. And I'm saying I don't agree with that notion to the extent you do. Our experiences can shape us, but we can choose to rise above our most primal instincts and be better people.
  8. I've already clearly stated I don't, dodger is a fucking liar, and I will not violate the oath I took because I find a person abhorrent. If someone does that, they need to go find a lazy office job, like Dodger, who pushes papers all day and doesn't hold any real power over another's life.
  9. How can you claim to know that? And what's stopping dodger or anyone else from doing the same? Sorry, but I don't give them a pass.
  10. I do not unequivocally agree with that. I chose to educate myself, which changed my beliefs over time and made me a better person.
  11. Freedom of speech also has consequences. If you're a racist asshole, companies don't have to give you a platform. Employers have the freedom not to employ you.
  12. I didn't choose any of that, either. I still choose to be a better person. I don't linger around for a friendly chat. How dare you fucking slander my integrity at my fucking career I work my ass off at. My patients all receive the same quality of care, regardless of who they are. I've taken care of racists, bigots, even murders, pedophiles, and rapists. I've worn myself out, compressing someone's chest while Fox News plays on the TV. They've all received the same standard of care. So fuck off with your slanderous, dishonest bullshit.
  13. I grew up in fucking rural Arkansas with racist parents who routinely used the terms "nigger" and "jigaboo" and "jungle monkey" to describe black people. I've had plenty of life experiences that could make me be bitter against certain groups, but I have this fucking emotion called empathy. I most certainly chose to be a decent human being with empathy for my fellow human instead of giving into more primitive instincts. I chose to educate myself and live in reality, not the world Trump wants us to believe exists.
  14. When I think of disagreeing with a person's political views, I think we disagree on what role government should play in health care or who to give tax cuts to. Denying facts and acting like brown people don't deserve to be treated with basic human decency aren't political views. That just makes you a shitty human being.
  15. No, because he's disconnected with fucking reality. You are, too. You refuse to answer questions and sidestep the issue. No one said the Confederate and Nazi flags are the same thing, but I don't think you wanna be holding the traitorous, failed nation who wanted to keep what they deemed as subhumans blacks enslaved some honorable high ground over the failed state that just murdered their subhumans outright. With that settled, answer the question. You want employers to be forced to hire outspoken Nazis and white supremacists and allow them to use company time to disseminate their abhorrent views? Because that's what your version of "free speech" would allow. Now who's the authoritarian asshole?
  16. You're more generous than I am. He's still a dishonest twat with some terrible views. It's like he's unhappy with his own life and wants to blame the world around him for it. Especially progressives and immigrants.
  17. Biggie really doesn't hold many coherent political thoughts. Thinking things through is too hard. Also, just anorher friendly reminder that dodger has gone off the deep end and turned into a horrible, dishonest twat.
  18. You keep missing the part where free speech just means the government can't silence you. Companies can give you the boot whenever they want.
  19. And the government isn't silencing these people. That's all free speech is. Companies can decided who they allow a platform to and private citizens can certainly call out hateful people for spewing horrible things. So I still don't see what the issue is. Free speech, it has consequences, yo.
  20. I am kinda getting tired of legitimate criticism of Islam being turned into "you're a xenophobe and a racist." Yes, some people who hate Islam are racist, but you can voice serious criticisms and not be a racist. I just criticize all religion, regardless of tue color of the adherents.
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