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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Do you guys know what it's like to be raised by a family with some really strong views in these areas? It influences you. Hopefully, you get out of their grasp, see a bit bigger world, and change your views. I simply cannot judge someone for their views as a teenager/young adult. Shit, even look at people like Robert Byrd. He was terrible well into adulthood, but he later renounced his views and became a much better person. There's plenty of stuff to criticize Tulsi Gabbard for other than digging into her teenage years for stuff she no longer believes or supports.
  2. I don't support Tulsi, but I hate this line of thinking. People evolve. I'd hate to be judged at 31 for the views I held as a teenager. Pretty sure I opposed gay marriage then, too. She's several years older than I am, meaning gay marriage was even more taboo when she was a teenager.
  3. Fleetwood Mac is one of my favorite bands, but that's not even their best song. If I had to pick one song as my favorite, it's probably Gimme Shelter, by The Rolling Stones.
  4. Same here, but I also don't understand how if you're gonna beat someone to death with a blunt object, you don't wind up with any skull fractures or brain injuries. There was another theory that sounds crazy at first, but could be plausible. If an owl attacked her, it could leave those types of injuries. There were small feathers in her hair and on her body. And owl attacks had been occurring in the area.
  5. I remember the husband and I playing this on 360 years ago, but after a dozen hours or so we were just bored with it. I've tried multiple Tales games and I just don't think they're for me.
  6. I'm at 61 physical 3DS games, plus several more digital titles. I'll be adding Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn and that may be about it for me. I might end up picking up the other Yo Kai Watch games sometime, and Persona Q2 if it gets a release here.
  7. I don't think there's an Adam Sandler movie I like. I mean, Billy Madison was funny when I was 8, but I couldn't stand it today.
  8. I'm 31, still don't want kids. For a lot of reasons, really, but I also just don't want to bring a child into this world as it is. I'm one of the people some assholes criticize for not having children, because I could afford one. In fact, I'm pretty sure one person here has criticized me for my choice. Not to mention my family and other people in my life.
  9. The Staircase 7/10 I like true crime documentaries and this was was pretty good, though slow at times. I still don't know if Michael Peterson murdered his wife, but I think I'd have reasonable doubt if I were on the jury. Even before all the bullshit about lying experts on the witness stand came out. It left me a little unsettled.
  10. Yeah, I can pretty easily recommend it if you've never played the Wii U game. I still think $60 is a bit steep, but it's a fun game. I'll probably pick it up later when it's cheaper since these games are fun to replay and play with friends and the portability factor is appealing.
  11. No, it is a different game than NSMB2 on 3DS. I'm not sure what got you thinking the Wii U game was the same as the 3DS game. This is the first port of a NSMB game. All the prior titles have been their own game.
  12. It's not a straight port, there's been some additions and tweaks and such. You could call it an enhanced port. It's just not something I wanna pay $60 for now, though. I mean, pretty much any review will tell you the differences.
  13. Yay, I've got this one preordered. I actually have it on Wii, but I never played it. Bought it years ago for dirt cheap, but never got around to it and I've never been fond of motion controls. I'll definitely play it on 3DS, though.
  14. I know, I speak madness. For the record, I'm not nearly as bothered by essentially victimless crimes, like drug charges being overlooked. Lord knows minorities bear the brunt of those types of charges and white people often get off comparatively (really)light. I'm just really bothered when victims go through horrific experiences and don't get the justice they deserve when it should be an easy path.
  15. Yeah, it's a really good 2D style platformer. I'd pay for it if I didn't already own it on Wii U.
  16. I'm not suggesting there's an epidemic of this happening and I don't know of anyone here who is. But it does happen and in some cases there are very real victims who suffer even more because of it. It infuriates me to this day that Emmett Till's murderers were acquitted and it infuriates me that a woman who was brutally raped doesn't get her justice.
  17. You don't really have to imagine such a case. I posted a link to one that was very local to me. A woman was raped and there was irrefutable evidence of his guilt. At least the jury on his other trial decided not to ignore the evidence, but that was a high profile news anchor and she was brutally murdered.
  18. I want it, but $60 is a bit steep for a port. I'll get it down the line, as it was a fantastic title.
  19. The Roosevelts: An Intimate History 10/10 Damn, Ken Burns knows how to hit you in the feels. My eyes were a bit watery by the end. This is probably my favorite series he's done and he's done some excellent ones. Eleanor Roosevelt was such a remarkable person. If every human had even 10% of her conscience, the world would be so much better off. And of course, I added several new books to my want list.
  20. Currently reading Where Men Win Glory, by Jon Krakauer. It's the story of Pat Tillman and it's quite engaging.
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