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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Well, I recently took care of a guy who swallowed razor blades for the 12th or 15th time in the last year and a woman who OD'ed on meth because she shoved 28 grams up her vagina during a drug bust, then cursed out the staff with her boyfriend because they weren't allowed to shower together. I can handle just about anything these days.
  2. I've never seriously looked into it, but knowing and having worked with various travel nurses, you work for an agency, take an assignment to a hospital for a certain period of time, and most of the time you're set up with a place to live while you're on assignment or at least assistance in paying for your rent. Depends on the agency you work for and the demand in a particular area. It's quite lucrative and a lot of nurses who are single and willing to bounce around from place to place do it and make damn good money.
  3. NC is beautiful, but no thanks. Shit, if I weren't married and settled, I'd do some travel nursing and head out to California for a while. I'd rack up some nice paychecks for a while and pay off my house even quicker. Kaberle makes me jealous with what he's making in the Bay area.
  4. I'd prefer the Galaxy games with a regular controller, but they're still fantastic games.
  5. I've watched so little football this season. I usually enjoy the playoffs, though.
  6. Nah, my husband was a huge DT fan when we met. It's why I even know of them in the first place.
  7. Yes, I actually own the CD. The post you quoted says I own all their albums up to 2013. It is different but I kinda liked it. Been a long time since I last listened to it, though.
  8. It should be obvious I'm not defending her. If she truly still holds those beliefs, then that's shitty. I've already said I wouldn't vote for her in the primaries if she makes it that far. I already disliked her for other stances I knew about. I just saw people jumping on her for shit she said as a young person and from what I knew of her recent record, she's been supportive of equality.
  9. And it's not just you two or this once instance. I see stupid shit like this all the time, calling for someone's head over dumb shit they said/did when they were really young. Not everyone has the fortune to grow up in a nice, progressive, tolerant family, exposed to tons of diversity and whatnot. And people grow up. Views often evolve.
  10. Eventually. That's why I said it would have been better to start with that, instead of doubling down for several posts. What crazy ideas I'm spouting, I know.
  11. I don't get what's so weird about what I and others are saying. Least she doesn't let her shitty personal views keep her from doing the right thing and voting for equality. I know little about her, won't vote for her if/when the time comes in the primaries. My entire issue was with outsida, then you, jumping on her for shit she said when she was young, with no further context.
  12. I feel like it's been a while since I've listened to DT. We have all of their albums through the self titled one released in 2013. I wasn't super crazy about it and I just kinda forgot about them after that. Still go back once in a while to listen to their older stuff.
  13. I'm ready to get there. We're through the first six episodes of season 1 and it's good, but Uhtred is such an ass right now.
  14. Yeah, people change. I also don't believe the same things I believed at 22. This isn't some crazy shit here. Do you want to insist Geneticblueprint is still secretly anti-gay because he actively campaigned against gay marriage into his 20s?
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