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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. This is really dumb. I don't know any atheist who will tell you they know with certainty that god does not exist. I'm an atheist because I hold no belief in a god, because I don't see the evidence for one, not because I know for a fact there isn't one. It's pretty simple. Do you believe in a god? It's a yes or no question. There are different types of atheists, but if you hold no belief in a god, then you're an atheist.
  2. I'm finally playing AC Odyssey tonight after hardly playing any games for almost two months.
  3. I wasn't even invested in that game but that no flag on that hit was just fucking disgraceful. Saints and their fans got screwed.
  4. Two episodes in and I'm real liking it. That bar fight was one of the best. They've done and excellent job with Punisher and it makes me sad to think this is almost certainly gonna be it for the series.
  5. I rarely eat cookies, but my husband's mamaw makes awesome oatmeal cookies. I'll eat Oreros sometimes, but I dislike the cream filling. Sometimes I just scrape it off an eat the cookie.
  6. A spokesman for the Special Counsel just issued a statement to CNN that the Buzzfeed report is "not accurate."
  7. Urine is one of my least favorite body fluids. Try emptying a foley bag, only to fine the container has a crack in it and have urine leak all over your shoes. It's the worst.
  8. I have so much on my Netflix watchlist, much of it original content. I need to go ahead and watch all of The Handmaid's Tale and I'll probably cancel Hulu for a while. I'll sub to HBO when GoT premieres.
  9. It probably sounds crazy to you, but I had no real issue with Snatcher and Policenauts back in the day. And that was on a D-pad. People play Telltale games on console. If you can use a cursor to shoot a weapon while moving around in a game, then Mario Galaxy isn't that hard. This really isn't that complicated and I don't understand why you're so insistent on it.
  10. There's really nothing so complex about the cursor that it couldn't be mapped to the second analog stick. You're making this more complicated than it is.
  11. It's not just that you're serving athletes junk food, it's that they're being served fucking McDonald's at an event at the fucking White House where they're supposed to be honored. That's what's fucking trashy.
  12. Having played through RE2 on N64 more than a decade ago, I prefer to go into this pretty blind. No demos for me.
  13. I'm not super hyped at this point. I guess it's been so long and there are other shows I enjoy more these days. I'll be watching it to see it through to the end. Wonder how predictable it's going to be. I think you missed the sarcasm.
  14. Yeah, like how do they make these games where you have to use a cursor to shoot on console? So complicated. Uncharted was such a mess.
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