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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I can only think of one book I just totally gave up on. It was some shitty thriller that had the dumbest characters. I didn't feel bad since someone had sent me a pirated copy for my Kindle.
  2. And I actually learned about this news while in a patients room before I even got the notification on my phone. My head jerked up so fast I almost got whiplash
  3. I just saw Roger Stone on Fox this week in one of my patient rooms ranting about this hoax of an investigation.
  4. Seems like I remember it always being planned as a trilogy, then they go into the spinoffs so deep.
  5. Where the Crawdads Sing was excellent. One of those I wish it didn't have to end. Now reading Indianapolis, by Lynn Vincent and Sara Vladic. Got through 30 pages this morning pretty quick, so that's a good sign.
  6. I really want to visit Germany, partly for this reason. Poland is on my list, too. Don't take it the wrong way, but I am a bit envious of you, getting to see these things and have the experiences.
  7. I was wondering how this thread got to two pages while I slept today and was curious to read on any more info. You guys fucking suck.
  8. Suspect's name is Zephen Xaber and he's 21. Where is that name from?
  9. Resident Evil 2 Kingdom Hearts III Yokai Watch 3 Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Yoshi's Crafted World Fire Emblem: Three Houses Days Gone Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled Luigi's Mansion 3 Animal Crossing And if they release this year: Pokemon The Last of Us 2 Final Fantasy VII I feel like there's more, but I'm currently drawing a blank.
  10. Breaking... https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/01/23/several-people-shot-after-gunman-barricades-himself-florida-bank-authorities-say/?utm_term=.2805d7979e99
  11. I mean, Odyssey is quite good, I think I just prefer the characters and setting of Origins more. And I'm not a fan of the level scaling in Odyssey, so I changed it. I've still got a long ways to go and plenty more of Ancient Greece to see, though.
  12. Based on what I've played of Odyssey so far, I actually like Origins more.
  13. My take has always been if a person has the desire to serve and can pass the physical and psychological tests required, then they should be able to serve. Plus, the military isn't all about fighting. There are tons of non-combat jobs.
  14. I mean, racial and ethnic minorities have endured a lot of shit, but at least if you were a black kid, you had the support of your family. LGBT kids are disowned by their family in a lot of cases. They often have no support.
  15. I also dislike cake frosting. I hate when I get cupcakes with a mound of frosting on top. I just scrape it off. I never get the corner piece of a cake. I usually scrape it off cake, too. A thin layer of chocolate frosting is acceptable, though.
  16. I've had those a couple times and they're good. That filling be so nasty. I can only tolerate it in small doses. I wish they made just the cookie for sale.
  17. I finished Becoming and From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime(finally!) in the last few days. Started Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens last night. Thought a novel sounded good and this one seems to be quite loved.
  18. I don't really know what you're trying to argue anymore. I also am a bit surprised you're using Wikipedia as your source. The actual definition of atheism is "a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods" according to Merriam-Webster. If you don't have a belief in a god, you're an atheist. It's pretty simple. I don't believe in a god, just like I don't believe in an invisible pink bunny, therefore I am an atheist, not agnostic. I would say the fact that I'm 99.99999999999whatever% sure is enough to state I'm pretty confident while also acknowledging that you can't prove a negative. This is just a really pedantic argument. I am an atheist. I take the same stance as the vast majority of atheists, including the most prominent atheists. Now let's go back to Boyle's dumb arguments with everyone else here, that's enough pedantry for one thread.
  19. Kentucky has some beautiful mountain scenery. I wouldn't wanna live there, but I'd like to visit some spots at some point in my life.
  20. I enjoyed Spider-Man, though it took me a minute to start clicking with it.
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