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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Maybe someday. It's pretty low on my reading list, at the moment.
  2. It was your post that inspired me to finally pull Indianapolis off my shelf and read it. It was quite good. In Cold Blood is pretty good, I read that one years ago, though it took me a bit to get into it. I've had Ready Player One on my Kindle for years, actually since Emblazon told me to read it. But I never have and I'm not sure if I ever will to be honest.
  3. The husband and I are co-oping Resident Evil 5 on PC. Controls haven't aged so well, but a few hours in and I'm still having fun.
  4. That's fine, I don't care how they do it. Only supporting one religion in these cases is a horrible violation of the First Amendment.
  5. Yeah, the Indian heritage thing is going to become far bigger an issue then it ever should have been and part of that is due to Warren's stupidity in handling it. I dread listening to Trumpeters go on and on about that, when they ignore the far worse flaws of their idol.
  6. I subscribe to The Atlantic, so I've read his stuff there, including the article mentioned in this thread, which was so long ago, I didn't realize he wrote it until I read it in this thread. Between the World and Me is on my reading list. I haven't really had any issues with him so far.
  7. My only issue with Warren was the stupid Indian controversy. I loved her before that. I still like her, but I can't quite get past that stupidity now. I'd still vote for her over Trump.
  8. Got Yokai Watch 3 in today, that makes 62 physical titles. Only for sure additions for me in the future are Kirby and Persona Q2.
  9. I really liked RE5 back in the day. I played through it alone at launch on PS3. I'd like to play it again with my husband, we've both got it and the DLC on PC. We played through one of the campaigns in RE6 together a few years ago. It's not terrible, but it feels pretty uninspired and I remember the textures being shockingly bad for a PC game at that time.
  10. I dunno why, but I've never really given a shit about steroids in football.
  11. Shit, I still need to play that one. I've beaten all the other games in the series.
  12. It's been a decade since I played it and I remember being really excited about the setting, then being let down by how bland it was. It wasn't unplayable, just forgettable. I'd like to see it redone, or maybe an all new AC set during the Crusades. I still liked the first one better than 3, though.
  13. Tbh, I always assume you're joking/being sarcastic.
  14. I did play it. I've beaten every AC game, aside from the shitty portable spinoffs. The first game was lacking, that's why I'd like to see a remaster, with some tweaks.
  15. I'm good, except for some work stress, but that's typical. Appreciate your passive-aggressive self!
  16. That's only some Walmarts, though. Ours doesn't have them.
  17. This thing is so bad. It's pretty impressive how Sony screwed it up so badly. Especially after Nintendo had the smash hits with the NES and SNES Classics. I might would pay $25 just for the controllers.
  18. After his exchanges with Boyle recently, I kinda do think that's what he gets off on
  19. It's been so long since I bought anything retro and I don't know when I'll buy again.
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