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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider verse - 10/10 I didn't know shit about this going in, hadn't followed it at all, except I knew it won the Academy Award and all and it was supposed to be good. So I gave it a shot. Love it. It was pretty hilarious, too.
  2. I thought this was a joke until I just saw the WaPo article. If this a new bible with a new set of commandments? Thou shalt lie daily Thou shalt commit adultery with porn stars Thou shalt steal and worship money Honor the Sabbath by golfing Thou shalt be vulgar Shit, even as an atheist, this is fucking weird and just seems wrong. I'd never have thought to do something like that, even when I was a good little Christian girl.
  3. It's not hard to use the correct pronouns when referring to a trans person.
  4. If you liked FE Awakening, get Fates and Echoes. Metroid: Samus Returns Super Mario 3D Land The Kirby games Zelda: OoT and MM, if you haven't played them or just want to replay them, because they're worth it Luigi's Mansion(both games) The Mario & Luigi games Dragon Quest VII and VIII any of the Shin Megami Tensei games, but particularly IV the Phoenix Wright games, but they're eShop only That should be a good start.
  5. I don't see it as deflecting, but I agree that the Dems have blown this up enough on their own, though the president and the GOP have helped.
  6. Weird, I read his post as mocking the blatant hypocrisy of Trump supporters claiming they're offended by Omar's statements while they ignore all the anti-semitic and racist dog whistling from their hero. There's plenty that can be said of Pelosi and some Democrats in this mess, but Ort seemed to be specifically talking about Republican stupidity.
  7. I played CT on DS, it's fine there. Honestly, if you're thinking about repros, just invest in a flash cart. You'll save money.
  8. A lot of these are pretty pricey if you want the originals. Particularly Chrono and Demon's Crest. SNES is a rather expensive system to get into. There's obviously some great games that are affordable, but a lot of the great ones aren't remotely cheap. Also, nice job going for a PVM. They're quite nice. We have a couple.
  9. I like Goemon well enough, but I never got super into it. I'd take it, though. Anything decent from Konami would be nice.
  10. So I'm probably going to regret posting this, but these are the books on my "to read" shelf...that spills over into the floor. I'm really, really trying to read a chunk of what I have before buying anything else, but there's so many great books out there! In my defense, my shelves of books I've read is quite extensive!
  11. I Am the Night - 6/10 - Some good performances and I love Chris Pine, but for such a short series is was awfully slow until the last couple episodes.
  12. Capcom is still producing quality games. I wish Konami would do the same.
  13. Shit, it's on my shelf of books I need to read, which is quite large
  14. Emotional cheating, I guess, though either would end in divorce for me. Once that trust is gone, it'd be unlikely I'd ever have it again.
  15. I still don't feel super excited, though that trailer did help. I'm just ready to get it all wrapped up.
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