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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. It wasn't bad, but I don't remember a ton about it except I was kinda glad when I finished it. I think maybe it got too repetitive and the story wasn't terribly interesting. Never got the sequel. I wanna say I got the game from someone here.
  2. I've played through Silent Hill/2/3/4. I tried to play Origins, Homecoming, and Downpour, but they just weren't that special. I miss Silent Hill.
  3. I experienced single digits during Christmas of 2017 and I think that's the coldest. Even my dad wouldn't get out to hunt that morning with temps that cold the wind chill making it feel even colder. We did go out that afternoon, when it warmed up to around 20 and both killed a deer, so it worked out, though when we were still out there after dark and the temps falling back to single digits while trying to field dress and load up two deer. I don't think I could live anywhere where it routinely gets that cold and colder.
  4. Wooo, beat Leon's story on Normal difficulty. Took me about 9.5 hours, but I like to explore as much as I can. I'm gonna take a break and play some Kingdom Hearts for a bit, but I'll play through Claire's scenario soon.
  5. We didn't make it there during our trip to DC. The Smithsonian has so much to offer and it's free. I didn't even make it to every Smithsonian stop I wanted to see.
  6. I haven't finished a mainline FF game since X. I disliked the characters, the story, and the music was mostly mediocre. I hated running in a straight line for the entire game and not having an actual world map to explore. It just sucked. I played quite a bit of XIII, but eventually gave up and will never go back. Never played XII, though I watched my husband when he played through it recently and it seemed okay, but I probably won't ever bother with it. No interest in XV. And I have no desire to play MMOs, though XIV has my favorite song in all of video game music.
  7. RE4 doesn't have tank controls. It doesn't control like modern RE games do, but it's light years beyond the original games. WTF you talking about? My old grip with RE4 was that I couldn't walk and shoot.
  8. I liked RE0 when I played it on Gamecube back in the day. It's definitely not my favorite, but I didn't have any major issues with it. I'll probably replay it on PC at some point, because I bought it for cheap a while back.
  9. I got to the last area in Resident Evil 2 last night, so I'm gonna try to finish it today. Then perhaps some Kingdom Hearts III later tonight.
  10. Derp, I played and beat literally every one of the older RE games with tank controls. That doesn't mean they're great for today.
  11. Final Fantasy X turned one of my favorite series into hot garbage and I feel like it never really recovered.
  12. I just wanna play it again without the tank controls, because I don't think I could handle those these days. And better voice acting. And visuals. Yeah, just remake it. I actually played the PS2 version back in the day, which was supposed to be comparatively terrible. But I remember really liking it.
  13. I wanna remake of Code Veronica, tbh. RE3 was good, but Nemesis chasing you throughout the game was unnerving. Even more than Mr. X.
  14. I dunno how the first Revelations was when it was ported to console and PC. I actually played it on 3DS when it first came out and I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was on the system. I really enjoyed it. I've actually got it on Steam, but I never tried that version out. Maybe I should sometime to see for myself.
  15. Yeah, I'm not a purist like that. Granted, I learned to play RE with tank controls becsuse that was your only option back in the day, but I definitely prefer standard controls now!
  16. Yup, play Revelations. It plays similar to this remake. The original REmake remains my favorite and I've played it on GameCube and PC. I admit, I preferred playing it on PC with standard controls. I handled the tank controls well back in the day, but it was super awkward trying them again when I first got it on PC.
  17. You should play the Revelations games, tbh. I really enjoyed them. I think I've played every main RE game, just not the old spinoffs like Dead Aim, Outbreak, etc.
  18. I'm loving it. Been about a decade since I played it on N64. This is quite an improvement. Agreed on Mr. X.
  19. I'm gonna finish RE2, but I'll be playing this later in the week. I checked my Amazon order and I preordered this thing 3 years ago. Goddamn.
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