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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Yeah, I never got into EO and bought it for the Persona stuff. I didn't hate it, it was just one of those games I bought quickly to get the CE and it went into my backlog after trying it out for a couple hours one or two nights.
  2. it's not perfect, but it's just good cable management using ties to keep them together and most all the old consoles are basically routed through a single AC adapter and tied down the tall shelf you see in the pictures. Basically, my husband lost his mind. It was on sale when he bought it, though. https://na.suzohapp.com/products/monitors/49-2715-00 He spent two days with his boss in our garage making a wooden housing unit for it. When weather permits, he's going to paint it and it'll be in use.
  3. So maybe half use it at least once. On Xbox. Great! I already said I don't have an issue with BC, so long as it's feasible.
  4. I don't think rich people own CRTs these days. Also, goddamn you to hell for reminding me of that weirdo again.
  5. I'm really not being pedantic, though. When you say clutter, people tend to think of an untidy mess. I clearly have things highly organized. And, yes, I know that most women would throw a fit if their man wanted a setup like that. That doesn't mean it's a mess, though. And I've already acknowledged that I'm an outlier. And remember, that's a dedicated game room. We have a perfectly normal living room with the only game item being a Switch dock on the entertainment center. So even if I were a bitchy wife, I could let my husband indulge himself in a gaming room. Also, I'm not really sure what the CRT has anything to do with this discussion. It's not necessary, but it's a nice addition for a couple of retro gaming nuts. We've actually just recently gotten a brand new, high end CRT monitor for the room. @Jason
  6. At least he's not nasty. So I can't complain too much. I told you, I enjoy the eye candy!
  7. Like I said, I'm kind of a neat freak I start to lose my shit when my husband leaves mail on the a table for too long. I try not to go into his project room, because it's usually messy. I have a decent library of books and I'm equally OCD about them. I like organization and it's doable if you put some effort into it. Those pics are 4 years old and some things have changed, somes stuff has been added, but the overall situation is the same.
  8. Yep, totally unrealistic. Can't possibly have things neat and tidy. https://m.imgur.com/a/X8vd3 Look at the disaster! It's literally the definition of clutter! Not.
  9. We have a special set up to where the cords are pretty nice and neat, actually. I've talked about it on the retro board in the past. I like things organized and neat. I know what I have and since I can read the definition of clutter, I know I don't have clutter. I literally have an entire secondary living room that's a dedicated game room.
  10. I don't care if they include it if the cost is reasonable. I just stand by my statements that most people don't care as much as they think they do. Also, see my post detailing the definition of clutter I am an outlier when it comes to owning a lot of stuff over all systems in the history of gaming, but it's not clutter, not by definition.
  11. Clutter: noun, a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass By definition, it is not clutter. Thank you, and goodnight
  12. There will always be a demand for the classics, especially if they're improved in subsequent releases. But I stand by my statement that BC is something people claim they want, but most never use.
  13. Finished Indianapolis last night, now I'm switching to a novel. Gonna start Winter Garden, by Kristin Hannah today. I'm still a sucker for WWII novels.
  14. Gufuess I'll go to Gamestop tomorrow to pre-order the CE. Fuck paying extra shit online and it's not on amazon right now. I haven't even played the first game, but I want this one.
  15. I've heard these things aren't that accurate, so I'll probably never do one. I just go by the names of my ancestors and it's pretty much all English/Welsh/Scottish, so I just go with that.
  16. You pretty much just said what when through my mind, word for word. Scary!
  17. I'm just skeptical that most people really utilize BC a meaningful amount.
  18. Is it really that big a deal for people to keep their old consoles?
  19. My hands get super dry from my job and I use Burt's Beeswax lotion, it really helps. The palms are fine, but it's the backside of my hands that can get super dry to the point of cracking. Though, damn, why'd you let your hands get this bad?
  20. Too many games in my backlog and releasing in the future. I gotta be fairly selective about what I choose to invest my time in.
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