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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I think I'm getting sick again. We went from 20s to 80 yesterday, and Thursday we'll go from close to 70 to 24. I'm getting a sore throat. Fuck this.
  2. Started reading the new posts when I got up, became interested in this accuser hiring the lawyer, thought I'd read more about it and it's two pages of this shit. Godfuckingdammit, fuck you all.
  3. Now reading The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt. I have a three part biography on her by Blanche Weisen Cook, but I figured I'd read the autobiography first.
  4. Started the game tonight, I'm still in Olympus. Having fun so far, game is gorgeous, I feel like I'm right in a Disney movie. Feels pretty good to be playing, since it's been years since I last played KH.
  5. @Jason this is why you don't need to post in sports threads, since you don't care enough about sports to read prior posts.
  6. I try. Sometimes I just need to stay away from current events, lest I lose my mind. I just try to keep my sports separate from politics. I thing Schilling is a detestable guy, but I respect what he did for the Sox in '04.
  7. I'm just amused by the hate. I can't stand Donald Trump. I think Curt Schilling is a hateful dumbass. I still love Boston sports, though.
  8. I timed my pizza order perfectly, I can eat during the halftime show, since I don't give a shit about it and I dislike Maroon 5.
  9. I started ignoring it because it's another dumb Bud Light commercial, then I looked up and saw The Mountain
  10. Okay, that Bud Light/Game of Thrones commercial was pretty funny because I wasn't expecting it.
  11. Just finished season 3 of The Last Kingdom 10/10 I fucking love this show, I think I may like it better than Game of Thrones. Love, love, love seeing the strong female characters. Pretty sure I have a new woman crush on Aethelflaed.
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