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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I dunno why, but I've never really given a shit about steroids in football.
  2. Shit, I still need to play that one. I've beaten all the other games in the series.
  3. It's been a decade since I played it and I remember being really excited about the setting, then being let down by how bland it was. It wasn't unplayable, just forgettable. I'd like to see it redone, or maybe an all new AC set during the Crusades. I still liked the first one better than 3, though.
  4. Tbh, I always assume you're joking/being sarcastic.
  5. I did play it. I've beaten every AC game, aside from the shitty portable spinoffs. The first game was lacking, that's why I'd like to see a remaster, with some tweaks.
  6. I'm good, except for some work stress, but that's typical. Appreciate your passive-aggressive self!
  7. That's only some Walmarts, though. Ours doesn't have them.
  8. This thing is so bad. It's pretty impressive how Sony screwed it up so badly. Especially after Nintendo had the smash hits with the NES and SNES Classics. I might would pay $25 just for the controllers.
  9. After his exchanges with Boyle recently, I kinda do think that's what he gets off on
  10. It's been so long since I bought anything retro and I don't know when I'll buy again.
  11. Shitty extremists exist on both sides, who knew? I still choose the side that points toward a better, more equal future for all people, regardless of socioeconomic status, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
  12. Now that I'm caught up on the show, I'd like to read The Saxon Tales. But it would be irresponsible for me to buy more books when my backlog is so huge.
  13. I actually enjoyed Unity. The main issues with it were performance, but by the time I played it, I guess they patched it enough because I didn't have many complaints, except for some slowdown when the crowds got big. I liked the actual game, they made some changes the series needed. Arno wasn't the most enthralling main character, but I think I liked him better than Connor.
  14. You're a smart guy, you should know by now that there are some people here who just aren't worth engaging, unless you just want to bash your head against a wall over and over.
  15. It's the decades of abuse and coverup by the church that makes it so horrible. Fuck the Catholic Church and I want it to die a painful death.
  16. The fact that the Catholic Church still has over a billion followers is a shitstain on humanity.
  17. Plus, you could have Googled in in less time than it took to type out your post and wait for an answer.
  18. I dunno, I see something and I prefer to go look a little to learn instead of just asking something when I don't give a shit. I guess I'm crazy.
  19. Same. I can't stand his face and voice. I'll read about it later.
  20. I read a book about that a few months ago, it was quite interesting and the author's(Donnie Eichar) theory was about the only one that seemed to make sense.
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