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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. lmao, you have no idea where I live. My next door neighbor is a Pakastani Muslim, you ignorant fool. Probably half my colleagues are minorities. Seriously, fuck off you ignorant, racist moron.
  2. Dodger just sounds like a middle aged white dude who hasn't done shit with his life and blames his mediocrity on minorities.
  3. I saw that some time back. Too much stuff. I also wonder what this guy does for a living and does have have any other hobbies?
  4. How did I know a thread that took off like this would involve Boyle and pedantic arguments? Pedantry aside, I'm all for laws like these.
  5. So the crazy right wingers are promoting the story that Omar married her brother. I saw Jason Rapert(probably the most odious state legislator in the country) sharing such articles on his social media. He also believes she should be impeached, as she's "not even a natural-born citizen"
  6. I know, and I own Coco on blu-ray and it's ripped to our NAS. I just haven't gotten around to them yet.
  7. I have faith Disney will get this right. I really liked the first one, but when I worked in pediatrics, it played incessantly on the kids' TVs, so I got kinda burned out. Crazy to think the first one came out nearly six years ago.
  8. Okay, but Goldman Sachs is pretty huge. Seems like it's not crazy to think of interest rate of 2-3%.
  9. July 26. Can't wait, though I need to play Echoes on 3DS. FE is one of my all time favorite series.
  10. Fire Emblem Link's Awakening remake Dragon Quest XI definitive edition Mario Maker 2 is pretty sweet, but I'll let my husband get that one, since he's more into the level creating that I am. The Square RPG and Platinum game, I'll keep an eye on. There was a lot to be happy about with this Direct. Good job, Nintendo.
  11. Oh, horse shit. He holds those shitty views, regardless. I'm past the point of civility with some of these people.
  12. Okay, am I missing something here? I'm not really savvy with financial stuff, but I have a Goldman Sachs savings account that yields 2.25% interest and the rates have been increasing lately.
  13. I never really got started on Dragon Quest XI, so I'll wait for the Switch version, since it's the best. Sweet!
  14. Crash on PS1 was the game that got me to really play games, I loved the trilogy and have a ton of nostalgia for the series. I have the originals on PS1 and they hold up pretty well. I bought the remake on PS4 at launch and love it even more. I'm even tempted to get it on Switch for the portability. I also can't wait for the CTR remake this Summer.
  15. Sure, come to arkansas. You'd fit in well with the republican bigots here who hate immigrants. But we're talking about you. How you left California because you kept bitching about the Democrats ruining the state and moved to a red state that's turning blue, so you'll bitch about that, too. I have my own reasons for staying here, though I have the ability to move, when I'm ready.
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