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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Indeed it is. I also really liked Devil's Knot, by Mara Leveritt, a local journalist and writer.
  2. I'm actually surprised by that, because it was the subject of a series of documentaries on HBO, got a ton of publicity from celebrities like Johnny Depp, Pearl Jam, Metallica, Dixie Chicks, etc., and made big headlines when they were released in 2011.
  3. Yeah, I remember stuff like OJ and OKC bombing more vividly. And the West Memphis 3, because that made big news and it was close to home.
  4. I was in 1st grade then. I remember some incidents when I was around that age, but that one didn't register, probably for the reason you stated and it wasn't close to home.
  5. So I found out that the Fire Emblem special edition is only available at GameStop through their website. What fucking garbage. I have to pay $10 for shipping and hope they don't send it in a flimsy mailer like they did with my FE Fates LE, which got crushed. It's got a page on Amazon, but says it's not currently available, so I'm hoping it just hasn't got live yet and I haven't missed it. At least the shipping is free there and Amazon has a better track record with shipping things properly. Nintendo has been so inconsistent with their products. Fates was super hard to get, but the Echoes LE can still be found new. Not sure how this one is gonna go.
  6. I'm with the others that I'd classify him as more of a serial killer. No idea who he is. Oh, yeah. I also forgot the Fort Hood shooter. But the point still stands that the overwhelming majority of mass shooters are white males. It's notable when it is a minority.
  7. How many non-white mass shooters have we had? Pulse San Bernardino Navy Yard That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  8. Yeah, I'm waiting on the race thing. This happened near @Triage and she saw a report he was black and a former disgruntled employee. Im waiting for confirmation from one of the big sources. It'll come soon enough.
  9. I feel more contempt, tbh. There are only about 4 people that I can truly say I hate in this world. Eh, 5 if I count the Orange Anus.
  10. You straight up lied about my integrity as a health care professional. I don't give a shit about an apology from you, it's just more ammo in the can for you being a lying sack of shit. Not hanging around and talking to someone who was blatantly racist isn't the same as failing to provide the proper care each and every patient deserves, you fucking moron. Also, I don't talk politics with patients. That's generally a good idea, no matter where they are on the political spectrum. It's just another reason to look at you with contempt. Though you give plenty of other reasons with your ignorance, lies, and racism.
  11. Now reading On the Come Up, by Angie Thomas. I loved The Hate U Give, so her newest book was a no brainer.
  12. You sound like my family and coworkers, who I've heard plenty from over the years. Why on earth would I listen to you? You've talked in the past about your mediocrity, so excuse the rest of us for using your own words to describe you. You accuse me of failing to do my job because I don't like a patient's political leanings and when I call you on your bullshit lies, you can't respond with shit. You repeatedly insist that I and others live in "diversity-free" areas and when flatly told that's not true, you double down. So, yeah, fuck you, you ignorant, lying sack of shit.
  13. I second @Paperclyp, don't listen to the man. FF IX is one of my favorites in the series. I rank VI at the top, and I'm always flip flopping between IV and IX after that. The story does get a bit ridiculous at the end, but it's a fun game, hearkening back to the older titles in the fantasy setting, I love the characters, the music is great, as is the battle system. I'll probably buy it on Switch at some point, because I want to replay it and portable is the way to go.
  14. I ain't shitting on the game. My husband will probably buy it and I'll play the levels he creates. I'm just not good at creating stuff.
  15. Gonna finish Resident Evil 5 and play the DLC with the husband when I wake up this evening.
  16. Like I said, given what I've read of his posts, he sounds like a bitter middle-aged white dude who has lived in mediocrity all his life and wants to blame minorities. He projects these ideas onto other people, because he wishes he made more money and lived in an area with no minorities, because in his mind minorities(and liberals) are the cause of all the problems in the country. Like, I said, fuck off you ignorant, stupid fool. I live in a city that's half minority. I have a better life here than I did when I lived in my hometown that was 98% white and consumed with poverty and drug abuse. Jesus christ, you're a walking pile of projection.
  17. Dodger likes to talk a lot of shit about things he clearly has no clue about. This is the dumb fucker who accused me of neglecting patients because I didn't like their political views, then when I called his dumb ass out on it, he had no comeback. He's pathetic.
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