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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. A lot of people. Including this 31 year old white woman. Who you'd also call an entitled millennial
  2. Sony was great in 2018, but Nintendo is looking better for 2019. I'm getting Days Gone, but I dunno much else I'm getting for the system this year. I'm still up in the air on whether I'm gonna get the Crash Team Racing remake on PS4 or Switch.
  3. I legit have no excitement for the next gen. The days of big leaps are over. This gen didn't really feel all that different from the last.
  4. I've had some recent events in my own family that really made me understand this.
  5. Huh, didn't know that. It's just hard to think of using "the Padres" and "good" together
  6. I wonder if he turns away heterosexual sinners? Seriously, why do these types of Christian nut bags have such a hard on for the gay stuff?
  7. Huh? I don't like Machado. I'd never want him on a team I like.
  8. I figured Machado wanted the go to a team where he has a chance of winning. Money won out, I guess.
  9. I actually started on two books in the last day. Going back to my old habit of reading a novel and a nonfiction at the same time. I chose: Leadership in Turbulent Times, by Doris Kearns Goodwin. She's one of my favorite historians. White Rose, Black Forest, by Eoin Dempsey. It's a WWII novel and pretty short.
  10. Even as a gun owner, I don't feel sympathy for gun owners who live in restrictive states. Gun ownership just doesn't seem that important and I'm all in favor of making it harder.
  11. Sooo, I ended up beating RE4. In two days. I have no idea wtf is wrong with me. That's like 19 hours of gaming in two days. I don't think I've ever done that with any game. Guess I just haven't been playing a ton lately, was in a big RE mood, and realized I was so close to finishing it, I decided to go all in. Especially since I go back to work tomorrow and I'm leaning toward working an extra day for incentive pay this week, so it's be a few days before I got a chance to finish it if I stopped tonight. I may go through Separate Ways and Assignment Ada on my next days off, but I think I'll take it a bit slower. Goddamn, I'm kinda tired. Maybe working my ass off for the next three nights will do me good. So to recap, I played through scenario A in REmake2, played through RE5 and the DLC co-op, and now I completed a third run through RE4. All in less than a month.
  12. What is wrong with you? Just bored today? I'm really only annoyed that the notification sound keeps going off while I'm playing my game. Guess I should alt tab and close my browser
  13. I ended up playing 7.5 hours of RE4 yesterday. Didn't expect that. Gonna play more today. This will be my third completion of the game, which is unheard of for me. I did attempt a third playthrough of it on Wii years ago, but I stopped halfway through. I think I'll finish it this time.
  14. Resident Evil 4 on PC. Seeing how well it's aged. Feels clunky, but still pretty fun.
  15. I know, I was being sarcastic. As a RN of many years, I'm well acquainted with it, as is everyone else in the field.
  16. Weird, I always thought that person's medical decisions were private. It's like Healthcare 101.
  17. Husband and I just beat Resident Evil 5 and the DLC. Both DLCs were pretty underwhelming, but we had a fun time playing through it all co-op. Much better than solo.
  18. Gun violence is gun violence and I'd like a list of all the shootings the article represented, because that still seems awfully low.
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