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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. After days of failing to play Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, I finally started tonight. These games are so addicting once you start playing.
  2. Okay, so how about Middle Eastern? Haven't tried that before. I think there are a few local places around me, but I'd have to do a little research.
  3. I wasn't really asking for recs right now, anyway. It'll be next Summer before we visit NYC. I'm ashamed to say there's a lot of great places local to me I haven't tried yet. My city is pretty fantastic for eating out.
  4. I'll definitely have some pizza, but I want to explore and expand my taste buds while I'm there, too. Try stuff I can't find as easily at home.
  5. Eh, well I've never been to LA and don't really have a desire to visit. I plan on looking through my old New Yorker magazines before we visit NYC for some food ideas. They always feature a restaurant every week, plenty of them seem affordable.
  6. I despise sauerkraut. The mere thought of it triggers my gag reflex. I look forward to trying some NYC street food!
  7. Well, Dear Marin was a super fast read, I finished in in two sittings. Really good book, though heartwrenching. I think I'm gonna read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Despite loving Tom Sawyer as a kid, I never read about Huck. Time to remedy that.
  8. One thing I'll give @Emblazon credit for, Lou Malnati's was delicious. Of course, I'm also exited to try some NY pizza when we go. NY style hot dogs can go in the trash, though. Chicago dogs got that beat by a mile.
  9. Finished Leadership, now starting on Dear Martin by Nic Stone. It's a short novel, should get through it quickly. Fantastic book. It was my first book from Beevor. I've got most of his other books and plan on reading The Fall of Berlin next.
  10. I've gotten to where I wear a sports bra unless I'm having to dress up and need a regular bra. They're far more comfortable. Hell, I don't even wear a bra if I know I'm gonna be staying at home all day.
  11. https://theoutline.com/post/7118/red-dead-redemption-2-is-a-game-about-a-cowboy-who-does-chores?zd=1&zi=sy3dykrp Came across this article tonight. Really hits a lot of notes on how I feel about the game.
  12. I've struggled to keep up with Odyssey, but I loved Origins.
  13. I kept saying I was gonna get this, but I never did and with all there is to play, I probably won't. I'm sure it's a decent game, though.
  14. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - 6/10. A kinda mindless, popcorn flick. Still kinda fun. The Royal House of Windsor - 8/10. A good BBC documentary that didn't tell me much new, but was an interesting watch, nonetheless.
  15. I never got around to playing Horizon. Always said I would, then more stuff kept coming out and it never happened. Probably never will at this point.
  16. Play REmake. It's not that long and it's really good. That's the only game on your backlog list I have an opinion on.
  17. For some reason, I don't give a shit about Pokemon having high powered graphics. It doesn't need to, imo.
  18. I really liked Antman 2. I don't really get hyped over movies, so I'm sure I'll be fine with this one.
  19. Dude, you support baby murder via abortion. You can't be upset about child sexual abuse.
  20. We just throw our refund at our mortgage every year. I don't really see it as being bad with money and we aren't anywhere close to being poor.
  21. It's a hugely iconic and popular series and RE4 is still considered one of the best games of all time. That should say enough. Though I'll add you don't have to play 0, unless you become a big fan of the series. It's not bad but it's a weaker entry.
  22. I remember liking the first RDR and I've liked all the GTA games. I did not like RDR2. Maybe it doesn't control all that differently from other Rockstar games. I don't really care to go back and replay those. Maybe I've just played better controlling games since I last played a Rcokstar game. Either way, I was not impressed with the controls of RDR2 and it kept me from wanting to play more than a few hours. I really just need to sell my copy while it still has some value. Maybe one day, I'll try the inevitable PC release when it's discounted or something.
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