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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I remain skeptical. Unless there's a sexual harassment suit filed or something.
  2. I'm guessing because Bill and Roger were costing them money with the lawsuits?
  3. No, Fox has gone so far down the sewer, thus won't affect him. It's shameful. He knows he's safe because he won't even attempt a half assed apology.
  4. Whoops, a second wave of audio released, this time it's racist dialogue https://wapo.st/2Tyg68y
  5. I always wear my lounge pants when I'm at home. If I know I'm not going anywhere for the day, I usually don't wear a bra, either. I'm spoiled by comfort. Drives me crazy that my husband wears jeans around the house. I'm slowly training him to wear his sweatpants, though.
  6. I deal with too much. My compassion reserves are pretty limited these days. We have this asshole who comes in about once a month because they swallow razor blades. They have borderline personality disorder, but they know what they're doing. They game the system. Instead of just confining this idiot to a mental institution, they get out back out on the street every time to do the same thing over. And each time they come in, we have to sacrifice a patient care tech to sit with them 24/7, when we're desperate for help on the floor. It's a damn game to this person and they know it. It keeps them out of jail for other petty crimes, because the police don't want to deal with them. Do this every day and it'll wear on you.
  7. Just because you lack sympathy for some idiot putting himself in a bad situation, doesn't mean you're enjoying their suffering.
  8. At my job, I see varying degrees of mental health issues. There are people broken beyond repair and I feel for them. Then there are just assholes who know perfectly well what they're doing, despite their mental illness. They're still assholes and responsible for their actions.
  9. I failed to play it Definitely going to this week on my off days, though.
  10. There was a time when I considered Hannity to be the worst on Fox by an easy mile. These days, he's got a lot of competition for biggest piece of shit.
  11. Now reading Between the World and Me by Ta Nehisi Coates.
  12. I prefer Saturn to Dreamcast, but the main reason I'd say skip the Saturn is that most of the good games are going to be out of the typical person's budget. There's not going to be much for you on Saturn, unless you're willing to throw down big bucks.
  13. Spider-Man: Into the Spider verse - 10/10 I didn't know shit about this going in, hadn't followed it at all, except I knew it won the Academy Award and all and it was supposed to be good. So I gave it a shot. Love it. It was pretty hilarious, too.
  14. I thought this was a joke until I just saw the WaPo article. If this a new bible with a new set of commandments? Thou shalt lie daily Thou shalt commit adultery with porn stars Thou shalt steal and worship money Honor the Sabbath by golfing Thou shalt be vulgar Shit, even as an atheist, this is fucking weird and just seems wrong. I'd never have thought to do something like that, even when I was a good little Christian girl.
  15. It's not hard to use the correct pronouns when referring to a trans person.
  16. If you liked FE Awakening, get Fates and Echoes. Metroid: Samus Returns Super Mario 3D Land The Kirby games Zelda: OoT and MM, if you haven't played them or just want to replay them, because they're worth it Luigi's Mansion(both games) The Mario & Luigi games Dragon Quest VII and VIII any of the Shin Megami Tensei games, but particularly IV the Phoenix Wright games, but they're eShop only That should be a good start.
  17. I don't see it as deflecting, but I agree that the Dems have blown this up enough on their own, though the president and the GOP have helped.
  18. Weird, I read his post as mocking the blatant hypocrisy of Trump supporters claiming they're offended by Omar's statements while they ignore all the anti-semitic and racist dog whistling from their hero. There's plenty that can be said of Pelosi and some Democrats in this mess, but Ort seemed to be specifically talking about Republican stupidity.
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