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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. So even when it doesn't happen in America, there are strong ties to America. I'm sad and angry.
  2. I bought one of t hose grips for my 3DS. Husband has one for his and I quite like it. The damn thing has gotten to where it cramps my hands quite a bit.
  3. @GROCERIES is busy with his sweet little family. He ain't got time for D1P.
  4. I'd figure it's a leg up in that a lot of poorer folks can't afford to do that. But I don't see it as gaming the system. We have the ACT around here. I was a moron in high school, only took it once, basically at the last possible time. I did get a high enough score for a scholarship for 2 years, but looking back, I kick myself for not applying myself sooner. But it worked out in the end.
  5. Well, you sure seemed to imply something nefarious was at work here. In regards to it being women, that is.
  6. I kinda know who he is. But it seems a bit of an overreach to say this is some sexist plot.
  7. They're well known actresses, it's not that surprising. I'm not familiar with any of the other names being reported.
  8. Games like God of War, Horizon, and Spider-man have really pushed along sales. I've been quite happy with Sony first party output this gen. PS4 is far from my favorite system, but I pretty much solely use it for first party games.
  9. I played Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn some last night. I never got around to touching it on Wii, but I'm glad it came to 3DS. So far, I like it. It's still Kirby, but I like the Yarn mechanics. @Biggie Between Kirby and me getting back to Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, my 3DS is getting some good use.
  10. While I prefer Nintendo's first party games and feel they have a much stronger lineup, Sony is fantastic with their first party stable of games and the system wouldn't sell nearly as well without them. What a silly remark to say otherwise.
  11. Most of this thread is about the stupid "controversy" surrounding the film before the release and now one of the most pedantic arguments of all time. Good job, guys.
  12. Just got done seeing it. I really liked it. Brie Larson is fantastic.
  13. Disney has higher standards than Fox News. This is not a surprising statement.
  14. It's a fucking stupid trend. I feel super comfortable with more idiots with no proper training carrying around deadly weapons.
  15. True, it's a low bar to clear. As long as it controls decently and is fun. That's all I'm asking.
  16. It's still fucking revolting, though. No respectable network should give a slimeball like Tucker airtime. However, Fox isn't remotely respectable.
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