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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I guess it could be argued in some ways, but I wouldn't quite place it way up there.
  2. "Curiosity" Because graphic descriptions in news articles aren't enough. And you kinda are really trying to search this out. It's not like it's available readily. You have to go out of your way and try to find it.
  3. I'm not disputing that, I was just asking for examples of highly developed nations who show graphic human suffering on their broadcasts. I'm good with not seeing other people being murdered on the news. We know it happens. It doesn't really do any service to show all the gore. Plus, it's just respectful to the dead and their families. I see it as a decency issue.
  4. Not really fantastic examples. Certainly doesn't point to my opinion being an American-centric one.
  5. What in the actual fuck? No. Just no. I don't want anyone to suffer like that. If my loved ones were horrifically murdered, I'd be furious seeing people say they're entitled to watch their pain and mine.
  6. Care to elaborate? Haven't heard of this being broadcast by civilized nations.
  7. I hope nothing like that ever happens to your loved ones. I just find it fucked.
  8. Uhhhh, guess I don't follow. You're not entitled to watch the deaths of others. Like, how would you feel if the brutal murders of your loved ones was being broadcast for total strangers to see? Most people wouldn't be down for that. With good reason.
  9. You're not really entitled. There's a reason things like this aren't shown on the news. Hopefully you scratched that itch and don't want to go for it again.
  10. I can't remember how, but when I was much younger, I stumbled across a video clip of Daniel Pearl's murder. I never need to see that shit again.
  11. Yeah, I could understand that better, even if I don't really want to watch. I just don't like seeing human suffering. Especially of this kind. It's especially terrible.
  12. Like I said, just watch a violent movie. I can't understand why someone who isn't a sociopath wants to watch real people being brutally murdered.
  13. Or watch a damn movie. Not actual footage of real people being brutally murdered. It's just fucked up.
  14. I see enough death and gore as part of my job. I don't need to watch something like this. Something just seems fucked up about a person actually wanting to seek out a video of actual humans being gunned down.
  15. No, I'm not terribly interested in buying another unit at the moment. I used my husband's grip last night when playing and it was a ton better. I think buying one for myself for $20 is more economical for now.
  16. N3DSXL. Hurts the saddle joints in my thumbs.
  17. I never knew the difference between the SAT and ACT. To the best of my recollection(HS was 14 years ago) no one in my class took the SAT. We had some people achieve a near perfect ACT score, though. One person got a 35, if I'm remembering right. I mean, I know the scoring is different, but that's all I really know.
  18. So even when it doesn't happen in America, there are strong ties to America. I'm sad and angry.
  19. I bought one of t hose grips for my 3DS. Husband has one for his and I quite like it. The damn thing has gotten to where it cramps my hands quite a bit.
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