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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I've never been summoned. Husband has recently, though he's just in the pool or whatever. He's take to take a couple days off work.
  2. I still think it's absurd that certain people think it's wrong to take your kids hunting. Literally a ton of activities carry an inherent risk. You could be hit by a car riding your bike or struck in the head playing baseball or involved in a car crash on your way to work. Hunting is actually quite safe, so long as you practice basic safety rules. Most dangerous situation I've been in while hunting was falling asleep on the ground and waking up to finding a skunk just yards away. Accidents are quite rare when hunting.
  3. I literally just got bitched out because the doctor ordered toradol instead of dilaudid on a new patient. Typical drug seeker. Gotta love this.
  4. I'm aware. Opioids have their appropriate uses. But they've been used far too liberally for far too long and we have a disaster on our hands. And trust me, work in my field and you'll see not nearly as many people need them as you think.
  5. Toradol is a fantastic drug we give inpatient. Patients don't want it because it doesn't give them a high, though.
  6. For real. It's been pretty tame. Boyle hasn't been in this one, has he? That could be why.
  7. In the history of D1P shitty threads, this doesn't even come close to registering, tbh.
  8. I read your words, nothing more. No one here indicated they were sport hunters. I don't know of anyone on this forum who is a sport hunter. This response was aimed directly at me. But I am gonna move on, because I have to get ready for work. Ain't got the time to continue right now.
  9. Yeah, but you came in and brought up sport hunting when literally no one in this thread has ever advocated for sport hunting. Then you tried some "gotcha" stance that because hunters enjoy hunting, they're immoral.
  10. If your goal is purely entertainment, yes. That's why I don't trophy hunt. That's why I'll never go to Africa and shoot an elephant or rhino. That's why, when I was hunting one morning and a bobcat strolled in front of my stand, I just sat back and enjoyed watching it and chose not to shoot it, though I could have. I and most hunters enjoy the overall experience. Being in nature. Doing something the human species has done for thousands of years. Procuring tasty, healthy meat in a humane, ethical fashion, rather than ignoring the tortures of mass farm-raised animals for human consumption. Helping control the overpopulation of deer when they have no natural predators here. I have my own moral failings, but the fact I hunt and enjoy the overall experience is not one of them.
  11. You really just come off as self-righteous here. You eat meat. No matter how you procure it, you don't have the moral high ground over hunters who eat their kill. I don't think I've ever described any thrill is watching an animal die. I enjoy being out in nature and I enjoy filling my freezer with meat I took humanely. I may not *need* to hunt but it's something I enjoy and it's a way I can humanely procure my food. I don't even know why you're having this discussion other than I guess to put yourself on a higher pedestal. At least that's how it comes off. Especially when you say "You could raise Elk and humanely kill them if your goal was nourishment." As if hunting isn't humane. As if all of us can just set up an elk farm or whatever, lol.
  12. No one here is advocating for sport hunting. We eat what we kill and hunting is humane. It's.more humane than the animal products you buy at the store.
  13. That's fucking stupid. I often felt like D1P was a bit too permissive at times, but that's going way overboard. I saw the screenshot he sent me and I was like JFC
  14. It seems like there's a lot of self-righteous asshats there. I'm pretty left-wing, but I feel like some of my views would get me banned. They just seem ridiculous in general. @The Dude showed me a post he made there one time where he said something like "whoever made this *some game design choice* needs to be fired or punched in the face" and he got an actual warning from a mod about "threatening violence to anyone in or out of the topic is totally unacceptable " Like...really?
  15. It's really not that big a deal. Most women do the same thing. It's not about sexiness, it's about being comfortable
  16. Dude, half this thread has been an argument about gun control. I don't really care to argue it, either, since I find it unproductive and if you are a regular user under a new account, then you probably know my thoughts anyway. Kids shooting guns under supervision really isn't that big a deal. Maybe you just grew up differently, where guns are foreign to you, but for a ton of people in America it's not weird or scary at all. And if you practice proper gun safety, there really isn't "a ton of things that could go wrong". Guns are pretty simple and straightforward. If you know what you're doing and stick to the rules, you're fine. You don't get it, that's fine. But it's not as crazy or frightening as you portray it.
  17. I still hunt. I go every year with my parents and my father-in-law. I own guns. If I chose to have kids(I don't want kids at all) I'd take them hunting and teach them if they had interest. There's nothing crazy about taking your kids hunting. It's often a fantastic family experience. Like I said, these parents aren't just handing a kid a weapon and turning them loose with them. Younger kids are supervised, typically. Hunter education classes are required. For the record, since you're new and don't know me, I'm not a gun nut. My guns are primarily for hunting. I don't own any assault weapons and I have no desire to. I've long advocated for stricter gun control for the US as I think our laws are far too lax. I have never given a cent to the NRA and I despise what they've become.
  18. Erm, not that I'm defending his views, because some of them definitely suck, but it's not uncommon to take your kid hunting. I was shooting my dad's 22mag at age 6. I was deer hunting not long after that. Most parents who are dedicated hunters themselves are well educated on gun safety and teach their kids. It's a tradition, a right of passage. It's not that scary. They don't just give a kid a gun and turn them loose. Hunter education classes start when you're 12, if I recall. I remember taking one around that age.
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