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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. And I already said, I'm in favor of reintroduction wolves to former territories. It's like you don't read. It's gonna take more than one abstract of an article to show the benefits, though. And even with reintroduction, it's gonna take quite some time.
  2. The Wire is probably my favorite show of all time. Breaking Bad was fantastic. I watched the first two seasons of Transparent, but most of the characters were so unlikable(except the delightful Judith Light), so I gave up and Jeffrey Tambor got himself fired and the show fizzled. And of course, I've seen Game of Thrones, though I'm surprised it didn't actually make the list. I have more mixed feelings on it, but the overall package is quite good.
  3. Yep. To be honest, most people I know buy ARs because of "grrr, gotta buy it before the gubmint takes muh guns" or "this is badass and i'm a 'Merican and it's mah right!" Shit like that. My parents are gun nuts and they own a couple, plus some similar styles of semiautos. Yeah, my dad shoots hogs and coyotes and he's used his AR a couple times for it, but honestly, he's the former. Needless to say, I strayed far away from the political path they tried to put me on.
  4. Human and animal populations are a lot different than they were when wolves existed all across North America. Bringing a bunch in and dumping them off isn't that simple.
  5. Try again. I've already said I'm fine with a ban on the AR. Or at the very least, restricting who can own one. I'm mocking your ignorance on wildlife management.
  6. Serious question, do you think that the indroduction of wolves into their historical range will keep the population of this invasive species in check, along with their other more typical North American prey? You've already shown enough ignorance in this thread, so try for a more reasonable response this time.
  7. Even assuming wolves would hunt feral hogs, you'd need a shit ton of wolves, because hogs breed at such a ridiculous rate. They were never meant to be here.
  8. I dunno what you get from that. I don't wear short shorts, either. I wear Under Armour mid-length women's shorts.
  9. Yeah, I'm not familiar enough with wolves to assume they're gonna kill hogs en mass. Deer are much easier prey for them. And last I knew, people weren't just freely hunting wolves outside of Alaska. I thought they could be culled in local areas where they pose a threat to livestock, but that's about it. I don't know what they're doing now. Paladin just seems to be talking out his ass, from what I can tell. At least he hasn't tried backing up any of his statements.
  10. Oh, definitely. I'm down with a soda tax. Like you said, if it's a burden on you, you're drinking way too much soda.
  11. A surprise! I'm wearing lounge pants, slippers, and a Red Sox t-shirt. Soon as the other half gets home from work, I'll change into a pair of athletic shorts and we're going for a jog.
  12. Eh, moderation is the key. Enjoy an occasional soda, but it's not hard to not be stupid with it. I fucking love french fries and an ice cold Coke to go with them, but I exercise self control. Just use it as an occasional indulgence.
  13. I'd be all for reintroducing wolves to their former ranges, but that would take some time, assuming it'd be allowed to start. I just wanted to point out how blatantly wrong your statements were in regards to killing off wolves that would supposedly keep feral hogs in check. You can't kill them where they don't exist. I'd still deer hunt even if wolves were back to their former ranges. It's more humane than mass farming of animals and the meat is delicious and healthier.
  14. As much as I dislike the AR and weapons like it, it does have valid uses(I just don't have a need for it). Personally speaking, I'd be fine with limiting it to bolt-action. It's all I use for hunting. Or at least have a max capacity of 10 rounds. I do own a couple of handguns, but I wouldn't be terribly upset to part with them. But your proposals aren't gonna be happening anytime soon.
  15. Why do that when there's a ton of hunters who will do it for nothing? A lot of people will eat the pork, too. And I'd say pest control is really mostly limited to feral hogs. Some people will shoot coyotes if they're a thread to their livestock. Yeah, we have to keep deer populations in check, but the idea of hiring people just to shoot deer is silly. Hunters enjoy the hobby and want the venison. I really just stick to deer hunting, occasionally squirrel. If I lived in a rural area and got to hunt a lot more, I'd go after some hogs, but I don't really have that opportunity.
  16. ...are you aware that wolves don't exist in the US outside of Alaska and a few populations in the Pacific Northwest and Minnesota/Wisconsin? Did you actually read what was posted? No one is killing wolves where the invasive feral hog populations are destroying land, because there are no wolves there and there hasn't been for over a century. So, yes, it falls to humans to try to keep the population of this destructive invasive species somewhat in check. And, yes, semi-autos are the best way to do that.
  17. I picture you in a sweater vest and khakis.
  18. Derp, wild hogs are an invasive species and never had any natural predators here. They breed like crazy. And the destruction of wolves in NA happened a really fucking long time ago. I'm not sure when they disappeared from my range, but at the very latest it was the 19th century.
  19. I really like soda, but I've cut down on it drastically in the last decade. Drank it all the time as a kid, though that was when I was super skinny. Now, I almost never keep it around the house. I did buy a 12-pack of vanilla Coke(that's my favorite) for the Super Bowl and there's still 6 or 7 cans left. I drink it on a rare occasion I eat fast food and sometimes I drink when I go out to eat, because I'm not big on alcohol. It just depends. Sometimes I get a soda, sometimes I have unsweet tea, sometimes I just have water. I have a couple of really good Yeti water bottles and those go with me to work, so I drink water during the course of the day, whether at work or home. I sometimes add the caffeinated Mio to it, because I have a caffeine addiction I'll never give up. I drink a cup of black coffee on work days, generally not on my off days, unless I'm just in the mood for it. And I drink a small glass of juice with breakfast most days, though sometimes I'll just have water. I generally drink water with dinner at home, unless I decided to make a pitcher of unsweet tea that day. The one area I really need to work on is cutting down soda at work. I don't go crazy, but sometimes when I'm busy and tired and running my ass off, a Coke or whatever sounds really good and I go buy one from the vending machine. I don't do it every night and I don't drink more than one, but I still hate myself for it later and I'm working on cutting that out completely. I've been working on diet and exercise overall and the weight is finally going down. That's motivation to keep it up. Oh, yeah, and fuck energy drinks. Those things are nasty.
  20. I've only ever been on two first dates. I don't remember the first one much at all and my first date with my husband went well, though we saw a shitty movie. Boogeyman, in 2005. Actually, I'm not sure what counted as the first date with my boyfriend in high school. Seemed like we kinda hung out here and there and eventually became official.
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