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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. What are you talking about? You're really condescending when you act like this. I'm making an honest argument, but you don't like it. That's fine and all, but don't act like I'm being dishonest here. We can disagree. I don't really wanna argue about this all night, anyway.
  2. Nah, you're just cherry picking. People haven't been using history books to justify violence for centuries. But when God issues commandments through a holy book, people take it a little differently. Those holy books have incited far more violence than this nutbag's manifesto could ever dream of. Like I said, I don't advocate for banning any literature.
  3. Your style of writing. It just strikes me as erratic. "pew pew" and "boomsticks" and rambling on and on. I feel like I should know who you are if you posted here regularly, because it's a distinct style.
  4. I'm only using your logic. I don't advocate for any literature to be banned. But those religious texts have incited countless acts of violence for centuries. God literally commanded his people to commit genocide. There are Commandments stating the punishment for certain "crimes" is death. It's filled with commands to commit violence. And people have used it to justify horrific behaviors during the entire history of it.
  5. Oh, so all that genocide God commanded his people to commit wasn't really violence. Gotcha.
  6. That despite how much I love Fire Emblem, the dialogue in Fates is quite bad.
  7. I had to look up the racist shyster stuff. I'd never heard of it before. Kinda like how I didn't know "cotton picking" was supposed to be offensive. I'd heard it my entire life, but never related to anything racial.
  8. So I'm a third of the way through East of Eden and it's really good so far. I'm liking it better than I did The Grapes of Wrath. But I did start a nonfiction a couple days ago to alternate with. The Plantagenets: The Warrior Kings and Queens Who Made England by Dan Jones. It's fantastic so far.
  9. I have to admit, I'm a little uncomfortable with banning literature. It sets a precedent that could go awry. That said, I'd never read garbage like that. I've only read what I've seen reported in the news.
  10. I read it, I think it was earlier in this thread. Obviously a joke, but still kinda strange.
  11. I feel like I should know who fuckle is from his bizarre style of writing. Ridiculous.
  12. It's for the best. He'll go down as one of the greatest TEs ever. Plus, he's got plenty of money. Hasn't even touched his NFL salary if I recall correctly.
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