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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I don't know if you're just messing around or actually trying to be an ass to me.
  2. Serious question. What's your deal? Boyle had nothing to do with this. I wasn't even talking about Boyle in this thread.
  3. Boyle was one of several voices on the same side of this argument. He wasn't even the first one to come in to disagree with sbl's stance. That was me. Reading really helps.
  4. you can't pin this one on Boyle. And yes, I read, or at least skimmed, the awful jury duty thread.
  5. When im gonna go visit my family. My dad just called and told me I should come sooner rather than later because my grandfather isn't doing so well. And how I'm not looking forward to working the next three nights with this hanging over my head.
  6. Commanding that the punishment for being gay is death isn't really a "vague philosophy."
  7. Also, The Berlin Wall and The Forever War. That'll do it for me for this round.
  8. Yeah, WWII and the Holocaust would have happened without Mein Kampf. Hitler didn't need it to get his views out there. The book was a flop when it released.
  9. I definitely loved their tshirts in high school, but now you can get gaming and music tshirts everywhere so I haven't been to a Hot Topic in years.
  10. Trust me, I get what you're saying, I just don't think it's particularly relevant in the big picture. Whatever was "intended" it's not what it's been used for over the centuries. Also, wtf does Hot Topic have to do with this?
  11. We know where the Bible as it is today came from, who put it together in form we know now, sure. But there's plenty of uncertainty as to who actually wrote the words before it was all nice and neatly(not really) put together. But I don't see much relevance in that. As to the rest, I feel that you misunderstand. But like I said, I stand where I stand and that's not changing and I'm about finished cooking dinner, so I don't have enough time or interest to debate this all night. Once again, we disagree. Moving on.
  12. What I read of it just seemed like a bunch of rambling an internet memes. He just wanted the attention. I have no desire to look into it or read further, but I don't think people should be punished for reading it, either.
  13. We hardly even know with much certainty the individuals who created the Bible. And It doesn't much matter when it's been used for centuries to justify horrific acts. Even today, countries are trying to create laws executing people for being gay because that's what the bible says is the punishment. To its most ardent followers, it's not simply a collection of stories or a catalog of history. They see it as the direct word of god, one to be followed closely. And that's what people have done over the course of history. All this applies to the Koran, too. Like I said, I don't agree with you and I'm kinda busy on and off tonight and don't care to pursue this argument all night long. I stand by my statement and that's pretty much that. You don't have to agree.
  14. Sure, but I've never seen one made from actual soda. It's essentially just frozen flavored water.
  15. I can read what you're saying. I just don't really agree with it. Or I don't view it the same way. I also think the Bible is largely a piece of trash.
  16. I don't want all the waidu stuff like you do, but it is pretty bad on the script front.
  17. For real. I'm not one for slippery slope arguments, but I don't want to start this trend. Who gets to decide what "incitement" is? We've already demonstrated we can't agree on that.
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