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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I really don't worry about who agrees with me or upvotes me. I feel pretty secure in most of my views. Not like I haven't spent my entire life questioning what I believe. If I didn't, I wouldn't be who I am today.
  2. Thank you. I just didn't find him pedantic in this particular discussion, because he didn't play a big role in it. I certainly find him pedantic at other times, even when I agree with him.
  3. You know, I'm starting to think you have a pathological need to win arguments, at any cost. Boyle had nothing to do with any of this. I don't know why you brought him up, unless he just lives in your head or something. As I said in my previous post, I actually do agree with Boyle more than you might think, but I disagree with how he conducts his arguments a lot of the time. I can take things on a case by case basis. In this instance, I was just referring to sbl's argument as pedantic, because, to me, incitement and justification are differences without a distinction in this argument. I essentially take Wade's view he put forth earlier in the thread. That's what I was talking about and it had nothing to do with Boyle. I have missed feelings on him and his conduct, but he doesn't occupy a big space in my head. But, you seem to feel the great need to claim you won or whatever, so have at you. I'm really not in a good place mentally right now and this has consumed more of my time than it needed to. Or maybe I did need it to take my mind off of an ailing grandfather I'm powerless to help at this time and the next three nights of work that's likely going to be super stressful, while thinking of my ailing grandfather who I can't see or help at this time, in addition to the thought of trying to find a new job where I'm not so miserable. So for better or worse, this board can be something of an escape.
  4. I mean, maybe if I discovered I held the same views as Hitler or something, I might re-evaluate, but I don't think Boyle is that bad. My biggest issue is his methods. Even when I see his point, I don't agree with how he goes about it.
  5. BUT I WASN'T EVEN TALKING ABOUT BRYAN FUCKING BOYLE! Why did you bring him up when he had nothing to do with any of this?
  6. I don't even know how I should feel about this. I guess I missed that. This is all really weird.
  7. Except I wasn't talking about Boyle and I don't even see how he's been pedantic in this thread. He's played a very minor role. You brought him up. Boyle was never on my mind in this discussion. You inserted him in. Seriously, am I supposed to change my long-held views because I come to find out Boyle holds them, too?
  8. I don't even think you were that bad in this thread. You have the same view multiple others have put forth. I guess to be "consistent" I need to disagree with you all of the time, even if it means changing opinions I've held long before I knew you felt the same.
  9. Sayswho and Boyle going at each other and someone I deserve mockery because....Boyle? I have no idea, but he claims he won and won't explain himself. This has gotten even weirder.
  10. Seriously, dude. Just say what you mean. I didn't do shit to you and you're being a massive jerk to me. When I said this discussion got to be really pedantic, I wasn't talking about Boyle. You mentioned Boyle. I don't know what in the hell Boyle had to do with any of this. So how am I inconsistent and what did Boyle have to do with any of it? Because I'm really, really lost here.
  11. Except I was never inconsistent? I don't know if you just completely misunderstood what I'd said or what, because this is really weird.
  12. I don't know if you're just messing around or actually trying to be an ass to me.
  13. Serious question. What's your deal? Boyle had nothing to do with this. I wasn't even talking about Boyle in this thread.
  14. Boyle was one of several voices on the same side of this argument. He wasn't even the first one to come in to disagree with sbl's stance. That was me. Reading really helps.
  15. you can't pin this one on Boyle. And yes, I read, or at least skimmed, the awful jury duty thread.
  16. When im gonna go visit my family. My dad just called and told me I should come sooner rather than later because my grandfather isn't doing so well. And how I'm not looking forward to working the next three nights with this hanging over my head.
  17. Commanding that the punishment for being gay is death isn't really a "vague philosophy."
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