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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten there.
  2. I'd need to check and see if I actually still have that. I think I bought it on a sale forever ago, but there's a chance I could have gotten it for "free" on PS+, which I canceled ages ago. Either way, it's kind of a low priority.
  3. I actually sold my CE for that game. I just thought I'd never bother with it again. It just had no soul. I finished it, but meh. Nothing stood out about it. I still have the first two games, including the CE with the awesome Cole statue for I2.
  4. SotN. I like all the other games that followed the Metroidvania formula, but none of them quite top the original. As far as the original style, I've a great fondness for Super Castlevania IV. I acknowledge that Rondo is the superior game and I do like it a lot, but something about IV, I just love it. The music, atmosphere, whip mechanics.
  5. I really loved the first two Infamous games. The most recent game really felt lacking, though.
  6. The N Sane trilogy was so much fun, I can’t wait for this. I’m getting it on PS4 because it just seems right after how much I played these games on PS1 back in the day.
  7. And thanks to the recommendation from @stepee I started playing Bayonetta on Switch. I really need to play my Switch more. Such a great system.
  8. I just played some Sonic Mania on my Switch. I'm terrible at Sonic, but it's fun.
  9. I'm kinda bummed I'm have to go out of town and can't play this tonight. last couple time I've played, I'm trying to focus on the missions at hand and not get sidetracked by the "?" because that's easy to do.
  10. Started reading Midnight in Chernobyl, by Adam Higginbotham, in part because if HBO's miniseries. Goddamn, it's gripping. I almost couldn't put it down this morning to go to bed.
  11. Everyone involved in that story seems like assholes to varying degrees, tbh.
  12. I'm keeping mine to finish Chernobyl. It's a more well done show, anyway.
  13. Yeah, Fox news didn't exist in Nixon's day. Roger Ailes said he would have survived it had they been.
  14. three 12 hour shifts a week. I've worked exactly one extra shift in 9 years of being a nurse.
  15. Thanks. I've heard that the idea that the water in the tanks posed a risk for a massive explosion devastating the country was really a bunch of hokey pushed by one disgraced scientist. I'm reading so I can learn more, but sometimes an immediate answer is nice.
  16. I remember the show specifically saying it was Dyatlov she was talking to first. I didn't recognize him and I wouldn't have known it if they hadn't stated it. It also shows him recovering a good bit in the trailer for the next episode.
  17. So as someone who probably has a decent knowledge of the event, how much does the show embellish? Like, I know that Emily Watson's character isn't based on a real person, but more there to represent the many scientists who were involved with this.
  18. Oh, I thought you'd said earlier you'd read it after you heard about it. I think it's going to be a good one. I'm trying to read up on this event, because I've only ever known the basics. I want to see how accurate the show is.
  19. He had a vision of the destruction of Kings Landing in and earlier season when he was at a weirwoood tree.
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