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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Perfectly said, except for the Bloodborne part. I don't hate Bloodborne, I've never played it. I just know those games aren't for me.
  2. Eh, quit wasting your time. Plenty of other fish in the sea. I don't get when people keep trying to force themselves to like something. Maybe I'd understand it more if we didn't have many options, but shit, there's stuff I wanna play but I don't have the time for.
  3. If you don't like it, why keep trying? There's plenty else out there to play. Personally, I love it, but I played them co-op and it's a blast like that. I don't know that I'd love it as much going solo.
  4. The podcast is an excellent reference because the show's creator discusses a lot of differences between the show and history. It's mostly accurate from what I've read thus far, but some timelines are a bit altered and some characters combined for the sake of being able to condense it for the miniseries. Also, I highly recommend Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham. It's an excellent read.
  5. I've been back to playing Sonic Mania on my Switch. Damn, that is a good game and Switch is just perfect for it.
  6. We had a patient a couple nights ago who wanted to leave the hospital. The doctor didn't feel comfortable discharging him. Instead of just spending the rest of the night and likely going home the next day, he insisted he wanted to leave against medical advice. He was informed that if he did that, his insurance wouldn't cover his hospital stay. His response was "I don't care, I just won't pay it and it'll fall off my credit history in 10 years." Yup, people are stupid.
  7. People in general are just dumb. Working all these years with the public, it has become quite obvious. Yes, the system is shitty and fucks people over. But a lot of people just plain old mismanage their shit.
  8. Also, somehow I doubt these fools dying on Everest in an attempt for personal glory are necessarily "the better of us."
  9. TLOU is a game I don't want to wait for and I'm not convinced I'll be getting a PS5 at launch, anyway. I was content to wait a year for the PS4 and I should have waited longer.
  10. Take Castlevania out of the title and it's just another okay God of War clone with some great voice acting. It's thoroughly forgettable, especially as a Castlevania game. It didn't have the music or the feel, or much of anything, really.
  11. Excellent book. And, yeah, forget my intense fear of heights. Just fuck paying tens of thousands of dollars to do something I have a fair chance of dying while I'm trying.
  12. Yeah, I'm not reading anything I don't already know. Sometimes people just need to take responsibility. I know some folks are dealt a bad hand. But some of them don't help themselves out with continued poor decisions and people have to accept some responsibility for themselves. To an extent.
  13. And some people are just bad at managing money. I have a friend who is poor, has always been poor, will always be poor. Doesn't stop her from splurging on shit she doesn't need and an ever growing family of cats and dogs she can't afford to take care of or having 4 kids that she and her husband never could afford at any point. And they weren't accidents. She wants more but complications with the last pregnancy has left her unable to have more. Some people just aren't terribly smart.
  14. Reading, video games, just depends.
  15. Tonight is a pretty quiet night at work, I'm kinda debating on watching this on my phone or just waiting til Wednesday when I'm off to watch it. Hmmm.
  16. I was a latecomer to MGS and I loved that series, but so far, I haven't seen anything to entice me with this game. Maybe that'll change as more comes out, but right now I'm firmly in the "ehhh" camp.
  17. SotN has the best music. And sometimes the original just holds up the best in people's eyes. And like regarding OoE, that was the only one of the Metroidvanias that my husband didn't just absolutely stomp into the ground.
  18. I'm on night 2 of 3 in a row. Then I'm off for 5, work one, then off for another 7. I know what I'll be doing a good chunk of those days!
  19. Yeah, I'm pretty ready for this. We preordered the bigass set with the autographed stuff and it's been so long, I can't remember what all it comes with.
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