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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Like I said, I LOVE the Genesis. It's probably my second favorite retro system after the SNES. Due in large part to the fact I love old school beat em ups. And Shining Force. And it's a fantastic console for arcade style games in general. But almost no one gives a shit about old sports games. I know Tecmo Bowl still has a little following, but the vast majority of retro sports games are sitting in boxes and bins and shelves in stores not selling, even at a buck or so because no one really cares about them anymore. Same goes for modern sports games that are more than a year or two old.
  2. Rofl. That's why I see mounds of retro sports games in retro game shops sitting around not selling for $1.95. Meanwhile, good luck finding a copy of Earthbound or Final Fantasy for cheap.
  3. As much as I love the Genesis, SNES will always surpass it because that's where the JRPGs were and Mario is better than Sonic by a long shot.
  4. I feel like parents are just too goddamned permissive these days. I'm definitely against hitting your kids, but seems like a lot of parents just don't do much of any type of punishment and it shows.
  5. I don't remember finding it that hard to sit and watch a movie when I was a kid. What's wrong with kids these days?
  6. Self-proclaimed lifelong Nintendo devotee lets his kid abuse their electronics, blames Nintendo, says he's never buying another product. Sounds legit.
  7. I'd definitely try shopping at Trader Joe's if I ever got the chance. My city has really become a foodie area and there's a campaign to get them to open shop here but I doubt it happens anytime soon.
  8. My only real complaint about kids is when parents bring their infants to the theater. We ran into that during the first Avengers and the baby cried through most of the movie. Babies don't need to be at the theater. Find a sitter or stay home.
  9. That's a pretty good list of games. Of course, there will always be people bitching because it doesn't include their favorite game, but you can't have them all. I have most all the Genesis games I want, but I still look forward to giving them my money on this because it's actually gonna be a good product, unlike the shitty PS Classic.
  10. Someone is mad. And Yoshi is great, especially if you have someone to play it with. It's a big game and I was highly anticipating it.
  11. Notice I said "don't have access to OR can't afford." Don't have one near me, but I heard from people who do have them that they're pricier. I live a couple miles from a Whole Foods, but I rarely shop there. Even being a Prime member, it's ridiculously expensive to shop for your basic groceries there. I use it more for specialty items on occasion.
  12. A grocery store. For people on a budget. They have over 1200 locations in the nation. My mom shopped there for some stuff when I was a kid. Not everyone has or can a afford to shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joes.
  13. The Switch is only 2 years old...why worry about Switch 2 now? Nintendo typically does great with their console revisions.
  14. Now switching to a novel, The Tuscan Child by Rhys Bowen.
  15. End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation will always be on my shelf. Great books. What say you about this latest development, @Boyle5150?
  16. For real, though, I realize the French people will bear the burden of funding the restoration. I'd figure the majority are good with that, considering it's such an icon and brings a ton of tourism to France, since it's the most visited site in the country. And I don't think most rich people donate to charitable causes out of pure altruism.
  17. He buys video games when he could be donating to causes to eradicate poverty. For shame. Bet he even buys A's stuff, too, contributing to rich people's success when other people are poor.
  18. I fully expect to see johnny in the Avengers thread asking why millions are being spent on a frivolous movie while poverty exists.
  19. Are you just trolling? Poverty is being decreased around the world. Peoples' lives are being improved everywhere. And rich people do donate to these causes. I mean, what am I saying that's not true?
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