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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I don't know that I'll get anything. I have some stuff on my wishlist but it's nothing urgent. I usually end up picking up at least one or two more minor things.
  2. Not that I know of. I figure it'd be big news if they did. https://amp.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/b9dwgw/it_will_take_over_6_months_for_the_epic_games/
  3. Because Epic offers nothing. The store itself is a joke since there's no cart so you have to purchase things one at a time. It lacks cloud saving, achievements, big picture mode, the list goes on and on. Epic launched a half baked joke of a store without even the most basic features and uses their Fortnite money to pay publishers for exclusivity. They didn't work to earn people's business, they just throw money so people are forced to use their barebones shit if they wanna play a certain game within the first six months or a year or whatever. Some people value features and they also just like their games in a centralized location. It's not hard to see why people are sour on the whole deal.
  4. I didn't even realize this happened. I already played HR and Beyond on PS3 years ago, no intention of replaying them again. Detroit doesn't really look appealing to me. But here for the obligatory Fuck Epic.
  5. Well, I'm glad you were able to educate her on the vaccines. But like I said, there are a whole buncha reason I don't want kids that don't have anything to do with my own abuse as a kid.
  6. There are a ton of reasons I don't want kids that have nothing to do with my mom, but there's always this fear in the back of my mind that I could be like her if I had a kid. It's always bothered me.
  7. So far so good! I only got a couple hours in last night and it was mostly story, little game play. I am intrigued, though. If I like the series, hopefully the other games make it to PC.
  8. Yeah, don't think we'll be finishing The Space Adventure. Only question is when do we sell it, now or hang onto it for a bit longer to see if the value increases as we inch closer to our Japan trip. I started Yakuza 0 last night.
  9. Yeah, the specification of race seems pointless, given who propagates this crap 99% of the time. But fuck anti-vaxxers. Few things make my blood boil like that.
  10. I think the evidence is plentiful that spanking doesn't do much good in disciplining your children and it can have harmful effects later on. There's really just no good reason to do it. I still struggle with the effects of what my mom did to me for years. I'm not going to report someone to the police for giving their kid a spat on the butt with an open hand, but it's definitely something I want to happen less as we move toward the future now that we know what we know.
  11. I mean, it'd be kinda hard to break it. We take pretty meticulous care of our stuff.
  12. Oh god, we're starting The Space Adventure on Sega CD. Bought it years ago for $7 and now it's worth around $600. We've never played it so we're gonna give it a try to see if it's halfway decent before deciding to sell it.
  13. Yeah, we picked on up at that price. Crazy how bad they are. We just did it for the controllers, really. And it's a near mini replica of the original system. It'll never be played, though.
  14. I don't live in Boston and stop being pedantic. The cost is negligible, that's the point. If I were still working for $8/hr like I did during high school and college, saving $15 might matter more. But I don't and having all my games on one client and the features I care about matter more to me. Those are tangible benefits to me. I'll more than get my money's worth at $60 for the game, if that's what I end up paying. If Steam doesn't matter to you and you want to save a few dollars, that's fine. Those are your priorities. Not everyone else feels the same.
  15. Been playing some Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled since yesterday. This game is harder than I recall. It's gorgeous, though.
  16. After finally watching Apocalypse last night, I didn't think it was so terrible. My husband, who grew up a big X-Men fan thought it was entertaining enough, too. I can always nitpick at plot devices, but I've enjoyed the characters all this time. Will watch Dark Phoenix when it comes to Blu-ray.
  17. Finally watched X-Men Apocalypse last night. It really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, I thought. Certainly not as good as First Class or DoFP, but I was entertained by it. 7/10 I'll definitely be seeing Dark Phoenix when it comes on Blu-ray.
  18. I just like having all my games in a central location with the features I want. I don't want to have a bunch of clients to run games through. That's more important to me than saving the equivalent of a fast food meal on a game.
  19. Steam sometimes discounts their stuff before launch. I remember getting Witcher 3 at a discount. But I'm not worried. It's a game well worth the $60 price tag and I don't want an inferior experience.
  20. It's a little on the high side, but he's not in a hurry for it to sell and he can always lower the price a bit. But it's comparable to other units that have been selling. Plus it has the official carrying case and it's confirmed to be in working condition, unlike a lot of the listings you see. We have a PC Engine Duo R, a Core Grafx+Super SD System3, another TG16/CD combo, and a Turbo Duo. Plus, the Turbo Express. Might as well get rid of a spare system and make some cash while the thing still functions.
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