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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. It's possible, just depends on how high you fall from. I'd think it's fairly uncommon to see the hyoid broken from the type of hanging Epstein was supposed to have done. I can't imagine he'd have been able to perform any significant drop from his cell so he should have just died from suffocation. Plus, they're saying multiple bones were broken.
  2. It was closer to 40 hours. I finally made it to where it opened up, but I was sick of it by that point and quit.
  3. I still vote. I still care. Otherwise stuff wouldn't bother me like it does. But sometimes you have have to worry about your own mental health.
  4. Hey, whatever floats your boat. All this stuff has just really worn me down. I don't even view the CEb as much as I used to. Shit's fucking stupid and downright depressing.
  5. It's pretty easy to just not play games that don't interest you. That wasn't directed at the OP, btw.
  6. Oh, man, fries were always my biggest weakness. But I finally managed to stop getting them so much and I've lost those cravings. We went out to eat today for my birthday and I had boiled shrimp and raw oysters and my husband had a grilled shrimp and fries basket. I took a couple of his fries and they were predictably delicious, but I resisted any more. Last time I actually had an order of fries was about a month ago when eating out with the in-laws. Before that, I don't know when. I just stopped getting them. I don't even feel tempted when I'm in the cafeteria at work.
  7. I've just cut back drastically on bad foods like pizza. There are some local chains I like, but I'm doing quite well staying away from junk food and honestly, I feel much better for it. An occasional indulgence is all I need.
  8. I'm sure it makes more sense to scavenge dead buzzards off the road than use the millions and millions of chickens raised for slaughter.
  9. I just said I don’t think Dominos is great pizza. Food snobs are just annoying. Especially if we’re talking about junk food like pizza and fried chicken.
  10. I think he probably just killed himself. It’s not uncommon. Now there’s definitely an argument to be had on how and why he was able to do this, given how high profile he was.
  11. I’m fromThe South and KFC is fried chicken Again, not crazy about it, but it’s still fried chicken.
  12. It is pizza. Not fantastic pizza, but pizza is pizza. I don’t like Little Caeser’s, but I’m not sticking to some weird notion that it’s not pizza just because I don’t care for it. Some pizza is just better than others, but at the end of the day...it’s still pizza. A greasy, unhealthy combination of bread, sauce, cheese and toppings.
  13. It's always the Clintons. It's been the Clintons since The Boys on the Tracks. It was the Clintons a couple months ago when a former AR State Sen was found murdered because she was investigating the Clintons' rold in a DHS scandal(she wasn't).
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