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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I like a mix. Too many AAA games follow a similar formula and feel the same. That's why I can't play every big game that comes along.
  2. K. Jason didn't seem to understand why.
  3. I'm just saying reasons why a person might want that much land, it's not inconceivable, guys. Jeez.
  4. Well, he's stated that he hunts, so that's a real possibility. Some people also have farms. Not everyone wants an urban or suburban lifestyle.
  5. I can assure you he's not. Not how he spells his name and their political views don't even line up, jeeeeez.
  6. As has been said repeatedly in other threads, Epic offers no features. Their store doesn't even have a shopping cart. People who have been on Steam for years appreciate the robust stable of features like achievements, big picture mode, cloud saving, user reviews, community forums, the list goes on and on. Why be forced into using a service that has no features at all?
  7. Like I said, I'm content to wait for fixes, since I've already got other games in progress.
  8. I played it for a few minutes last night, mostly just to test it on Switch. I kinda wish I'd kept my Steam backing. It doesn't feel or look broken, but definitely inferior. I'm working on a couple other games right now, so I'll focus on them and come back to Bloodstained when they do some fixes.
  9. Yes, I did. I just felt like being a smart-ass and actually answered the question.
  10. Yeah, I'm just gonna wait until the field is whittled down significantly before I bother with these.
  11. Eh, I said fuck it and picked up Devil May Cry 4.
  12. Playing some Bayonetta right now. First time playing it in docked mode and I gotta say I prefer the controller. Dunno why I've been playing it in handheld all this time.
  13. Toy Story 4 - 9/10 Like others have said, this was a movie I didn't know I wanted to see initially. But it was good. I've never been the biggest TS fan, but I've still enjoyed the movies.
  14. Just watched it. I liked it a decent bit, had some good moments. I've never been a huge Toy Story fan in comparison to some of Pixar's other creations, though.
  15. Hey, good thing I'm watching it for the second time on Netflix now. Getting to be too many streaming services. I'm content with pirating some stuff if this is going to be the future.
  16. Yes, I can't recommend that game enough. I'd hope so for that price. I'll take it for $15. The Odyssey season pass isn't on sale, but I can wait for it, because I still haven't gotten far in the game at all. Need to get back to it.
  17. You can think both are shitty. But at the end of the day, the devs are just trying to make more money and Epic gives them that. Epic launched the half-assed product yet still thinks they've done something to earn the business of PC gamers by bullying their way in instead of building a competent system. There's no excuse for their sorry store and client in this day and age.
  18. I think I'm gonna start with getting the AC Origins DLC. Crazy how I never got it before now. $40 is steep for these expansion passes, though.
  19. I'll be trying out my Switch version tonight. Husband messed with it some while I was at work last night, he wasn't impressed, but he's also a lot more picky than I am. Plus, they're working on updates regarding the performance so at least they're aware and responding to the problem.
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