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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Dude, no one gives a shit about flamethrowers. They aren't a fucking problem. No one owns them. Get off your high horse.
  2. Gtfo with your backwards Pacific Northwestern values. You're probably looking to commit mass murder in a mall with that thing.
  3. Thanks. I'm not a big automotive person, this is only my 4th vehicle in the 16 years I've been driving. I like trucks since I hunt and sometime have to haul stuff, plus there's a little redneck in me. This will be the first non-Japanese brand I've owned, so I hope it goes well for me. It's just so darn pretty and definitely has more bells and whistles than my old truck. Barring any accidents or major issues, I plan to drive this for years to come. The accident I had was my only one in 16 years. Dammit.
  4. So at the beginning of the month, I had a wreck in my beloved 2013 Nissan Frontier with only 33k miles. I rear-ended someone, no one was hurt and the damage didn't seem that crazy. I was close to home and was even able to get it back to the house. I got an initial estimate on the damages, but after it was in the shop for a couple weeks, my insurance company called me back and said it was being totaled. Basically, the further they tore it down, the more damages they were finding, so they wrote it off as a loss. I was really bummed, because it had been paid off since 2016, had the low miles, and I was content to drive it for the foreseeable future, especially since we're on track to have our mortgage paid off in 5 years. Alas, life happens, though. At least the insurance paid out $21k. I'd always thought when I got a new truck, I'd get something different and I was eyeing the Colorado. My mom drives a Canyon and I really like it. Went out searching today and ended up buying this: It's a 2017 model Z71 with 28k miles and it's pre-owned certified, so it comes with a warranty. And putting $19k down(saving the other $2k of my insurance check for the sales tax), my payments will be around $240 a month over 4 years, so I can easily live with that. It had a clean history with only one prior owner and it's in really nice condition overall. I miss my Frontier, but I think I'll be very happy with this.
  5. I mean, sure they're scary and all, but not really practical if you wanna commit murder, I would think. I guess I would have assumed they were illegal, but like I said, it's not an item that really ever crosses my mind.
  6. Har Har, the Arkansas jokes are super clever. You really hurt me! What I mean is, I've never given flamethrowers a fucking thought because no one has them. I didn't know if they were illegal or legal because they don't factor in our lives. It's not like you walk into Walmart and buy one. Somehow, despite living in a backwards state that you make fun of, I've never seen a flamethrower. Jackass.
  7. Yeah, bro, everyone down here has a flamethrower and thousands are dying each year. It's a huge problem.
  8. People say dumb shit like this, but they often haven't watched someone die from COPD or lung cancer. It's pretty horrific.
  9. Can't wait for another shitty reboot of Spider-Man that I won't bother seeing.
  10. Binge complete. Really didn't wanna work the next three nights in a row without having finished this. It was worth it, despite the nightmares I had last night and the ones I'm likely to have tonight. Show is top notch. It's so tense. I knew about the Atlanta Child Murders before, but it was still gut wrenching, watching it all play out and knowing the other murderer(s) were never caught and the other 27 families never got justice. Oh yeah, the guy who played Berkowitz is the stuff of nightmares.
  11. Mindhunter season 2 - 10/10 God, this show is so good. I really can't offer any serious criticism of it. It's creepy as hell without actually showing much.
  12. Another one, it's so wrong but I kinda laughed because of the ridiculousness of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/19/tennessee-catholic-racist-dog-housekeeper-complaint/ My dog does seem to have this weird dislike of black people, she tends to bark at them more, but I always thought people kenneled their dogs or took them to daycare when a housekeeper came over.
  13. I think the article gives plenty of reasons why this could be problematic.
  14. Anyway, back to the actual topic, what in the fuck is this shit? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/19/portland-bank-robber-facial-tattoos-photoshop-mug-shot/?tid=sm_fb
  15. I guess I thought they already owned them. Ah well. No change for me, then!
  16. I'm skeptical you'll like it based on what you've said. I still need to open and play my $10 copy. But I'm also suffering from open world burnout.
  17. Eh, just watch the last couple episodes. You'll see endings for just about every character, though you'll have missed a lot that got them there.
  18. That's good and all, but as I said this isn't the cause for my on and off issues. You're right, everyone does have different circumstances.
  19. I sat up way too late and watched 4 episodes. This might be even better than the first season.
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