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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Cool. I guess wires got crossed, at least on our ends. Some of the others is a different story, but I really am cool with you the vast majority of the time. I've just had a bit of a combative streak lately and I'm really not sure why! Just feel argumentative, I suppose and some guys bring it out in me.
  2. Also, I've had some real doozies for patients lately. Maybe their ornery-ness has rubbed off on me.
  3. Hey, it happens. 95% of the time I enjoy conversing with you and reading your posts. For real, man. Sometimes we just clash, I'm not gonna dwell on it. I imagine when I wake up today, I'll have half forgotten about this and not come back to it. Like, I've actually been in a good mood the last several days or whatever, aside from being tired from working a long stretch. Sometimes, people just rub me the wrong way on here and I respond in my own way. We all do. most everyone here has been an ass at one time or another, some more than others. We don't have to dwell on it. Cross my heart and hope to die! All because I apparently didn't interpret your comment on cholesterol as you apparently intended. Ah, well. It'll be okay.
  4. Honestly, you shouldn't have lied about me a few weeks ago and we'd be fine. That one actually ticked me off. Some of you guys just need to step off the high horse.
  5. My goal today is to beat Bayonetta. I got to the last chapter the other night but ran out of time and I've had to work every night since then. Today is the day I beat it. After I get a good 8 hours or so of rest.
  6. Duuuude, I didn't snap at you. I thought we went over this already. And as I said in this thread, when I'm snarky or whatever, it's typically a response to other people's attitudes. I have normal, mundane conversations with people every day here. You included! I just expected certain people to respond and respond they did. Oh, just so you know, my night did get a little rough after you went to bed. Had a patient pull apart his IV, bled all over the room, has to clean him up, clean the room up, and on top of that he threw his bloody, dirty wet rag in my face and proudly said "now I gave you some work to do!" My patience has been tested a bit tonight. See, I have no problem telling people when I've actually had a rough day, I don't have to pretend otherwise.
  7. Nah, I'm good. I think you're more worked up than me right now! Have some morning coffee and get your day started, I'll be headed off to bed before long. Trust me, man, your advice is pretty low on the list of what I'll consider taking.
  8. I usually just upload to Imgur and it let's me post pictures directly from the browser on my phone. I used to use Tapatalk, but that's been a while and I don't even know if it still exists. Either way, I find it easier to upload when I'm on my PC.
  9. Hey, man, not cool with trying to diagnose me. Not cool at all. But seriously, nothing has been going on. My life is pretty normal lately. I lost a grandfather a couple months ago, but that's been the only upheaval and it was expected and I dealt with it okay. Much of how I post is a response to others. I perceive some people on here to be snarky, overly judgmental, and self-righteous at times. So I respond with my own snark or what have you. Some days I have more snark than others. I post pretty normal and chill a lot on here, too, I guess you don't see it. It just is what it is.
  10. Okie dokie! We just don't care for each other due to one another's posting styles. It's cool, man.
  11. I am at work caring for patients, I am most definitely sober. Plus, I never get high anyway. You were super dense in another thread now you come in here acting like I'm missing the obvious. It's not hard to understand, man.
  12. I never eat a sandwich with chips on it. Too messy and I don't like the mix. But if one finds cheetos gross, it's perfectly reasonable to find this monstrosity of a sandwich gross.
  13. Yeah, you didn't know what the National Mall was and asked why is it called a mall. I don't think you get to offer an educated opinion here lol.
  14. Okay, but I didn't even notice I missed it until that post or obviously I would have mentioned it earlier. I was just going back looking for something because I'm like wtf. It's just noticing a pattern in your posting, that's not a diagnosis. It does get a little offensive when you frequently make assumptions about someone's personal life based on a simple exchange. Because even still, nothing about my post suggested I was having a fit.
  15. I mean, it's basically both. I usually specify SRPG when referring to Fire Emblem, but I get why it's also called a JRPG at times.
  16. What? You were the one attempting to diagnose me. Sometimes a post is just a post. You don't have to read into it or make assumptions about someone's personal life that has nothing to do with a video game. To be honest, I missed the Dreams mention when I first read your post so I just saw Tearaway and was like "um okay" as in Tearaway was several years ago so that doesn't explain it. That's really all it is. No need to make assumptions or try to psychoanalyze me, man.
  17. "I eat 3 eggs a day have low cholesterol. Yolo" How does that not come across how I said it did?
  18. I saw it later but I was responding to your original post which is how it sounded. The two posts seemed contradictory.
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