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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Maybe I need to go back and play Origins for a minute again, but I don't recall any issues with combat or stealth. They seem pretty damn similar in that regard. I just find Egypt more interesting than Greece. Seems like a lot of the locales in Odyssey feel really...samey. And good god, there's too much content in Odyssey. It's overwhelming. Too many quests to follow on my tracker.
  2. Your take on Wade made me realize it was you. I also agree with it. Hope things improve for you soon.
  3. Okay, gotten back to the game, played a few hours and I'm liking it! I guess the mood just struck me right this time. I still enjoyed Origins and Ancient Egypt more, though.
  4. I've really enjoyed every Zelda game I've beaten so far, including BotW. I dunno. Zelda is just fun.
  5. TP was my first ever Zelda game. I didn't play OoT until the 3DS remaster and I really enjoyed it.
  6. Played AC Odyssey late last night and I'm gonna play more today. I seem to be having fun with games again.
  7. I played RE4 for the fourth time earlier this year. Still great.
  8. I recommend a well-built katana. FYI, that's a joke, in case Emblazon sees it. No harm intended.
  9. My dad has a sign in his shop with that. Among other dumb shit like Confederate flags.
  10. You should really just take the advice of an internet guy and don't worry and leave your doors unlocked. It'll save you a half second of your day and you'll feel much better!
  11. I used to be obsessed with Dr. Marten's back in middle school and high school. I still have several pairs, though I haven't worn them in years. I should probably get rid of them, but they're still in good shape and I hate to toss them, plus I get a little sentimental when I look at them on occasion.
  12. I've said it in the past, but I just want to clarify, I don't have guns because I'm fearful and want to defend myself. That wasn't in my mind when I bought them. Most of the time, I don't even think about them or notice them. It's just more what I'd hope to be able to do in a hypothetical situation. I agree that deterring criminals is more effective than having a gun around. And I don't usually think about home invasions, except when these discussions pop up or I've watched too much true crime on Netflix.
  13. Yep. You could see where they attempted to pry the door open with a crowbar or something. But it held and their ATVs and tools and other shit remained safe.
  14. Someone attempted to break into my parents' shop a few months back. But they lock the doors and the would-be thief didn't get in.
  15. I'm seeing two dead and 20 injured from am alert on my phone a couple minutes ago. Fucking hell.
  16. My 15 pounder would easily wake me out of a dead sleep with her barking. And she barks at strangers.
  17. Yeah, and we have cameras set up. I'm still locking my doors. It cost nothing and takes literally half a second. Why wouldn't someone just lock their doors? I know, I don't get it. I'm in a Next Door forum for my neighborhood and a few weeks ago I saw a post about someone having a couple laptops stolen from their unlocked car overnight. I mean, wtf?
  18. Dude, stop perpetuating the crazy fear that someone could break in. I'm sure they could have just worked it out by talking and maybe calling the police for backup if the talk didn't work.
  19. I find not locking my doors to be bizarre. My neighborhood is safe, I'll step outside to let my dog out at 3am, but I'm not going to bed without locking my doors. That's just common sense.
  20. I also keep my doors locked, so some poor confused person isn't going to accidentally come into my home. This discussion sorta made me think about a case I saw some time back. There was a patient who was permanently brain damaged and disabled because he got caught molesting a child and the family administered some street justice. Wonder if the extreme pacifists would stick to their principles if something like that happened. I don't even have kids and my instinct would be to wreck the pervert if I caught them in the act.
  21. I'm seriously close to finishing It! Really wanted to get it done before the movie comes out and I'm about 200 pages away. It's been my main focus lately.
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