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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Not sure why I came into this thread, because I'm not much for stand-up comedy(aside from random videos from Jim Jeffries or Trae Crowder), but what a show this thread has been.
  2. Huh. Well, growing up Baptist with plenty of Pentecostal exposure from my father's family, I can honestly say I've never experienced it. My parents are just good old fashioned racists without using religion as justification.
  3. I dunno what kinda Christians you guys are around, but in my part of Bible Belt I don't think I've ever heard someone use the religious excuse for that in modern times.
  4. Yeah, um, I was saying that the map on Odyssey feels all the same. Not comparing it to Origins, just that there doesn't seem to be much variety in one area to the next in Odyssey.
  5. It felt so damn good to finally hit "I've finished this book!" and rate it on my Goodreads app. I've had other books I've been wanting to read, but I was determined to finish this one first.
  6. In other, more realistic news, Walmart is ending handgun and assault style ammo sales and banning open carry in their stores. That's actually pretty remarkable, considering how much of that market they have. I typically buy my handgun ammo from Walmart, but it's probably been a year or more since I bought any since I haven't been shooting my pistols in quite some time and still have a little stockpile at home.
  7. After nearly 4 months and 1472 pages, I've finished It! Really great book, sans that one scene toward the end. Can't wait to see the movie this weekend. I ended up starting a new book, another one a coworker gave me, called All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin. Modern setting, dealing with modern social issues. I like it so far.
  8. Glad you're okay and I really hope your situation improves soon.
  9. Yeah, I can still handle the original tank controls in RE. It's how I learned to play the series. It took me a minute to get readjusted to RE4 since it'd been 10 years or so since I'd last played it, but it's still fine. Game holds up great, still one of the all time best.
  10. For real. I'm 21 hours in and not very far in the main story because the amount of extra stuff is just overwhelming. Origins was big, but has just about the right amount of extra stuff for me. That's my main gripe with Odyssey. Just too much extra junk that isn't really needed. It feels overwhelming. But I am anjoying it the more I get into it. I just liked the pyramids and sphinxes better.
  11. Call a hotline. Look into therapy. Get yourself out of your parents' place. Life is still worth living and some people disagreeing with you on an internet forum shouldn't have any impact on your actual life. I've been there. It's not worth messing with your mental health. But no one here hates you. This is a very accepting forum for LGBT people.
  12. No one hates you and I even agreed with you on some points in the other thread. Everyone in this thread is being pretty reasonable with you, they're just not 100% in agreement. Get out of these if that's at all possible. I don't know what situation landed you in an environment like that, but I hope there's somewhere else you can feasibly go, because this is apparently entirely unhealthy for you.
  13. I booted up Origins for a few minutes and messed around. About the only differences I could easily note is that blocking became more evolved with Odyssey. Otherwise, they play the same. There's no difference in stealth.
  14. Dude, I don't know if you're serious or not, but if you are, please call the suicide hotline or something. Anything. No one here hates you.
  15. I already said I understand where you're coming from and I don't blame you for it. We certainly all have different ways of dealing with things. Just maybe don't jump down other peoples' throats when they deal differently than you.
  16. Bisexual atheist living in the South. I hear the hate all the time. But I have to laugh at the idiots and brush some of it off or else I'll drive myself to suicide if I let it all get to me.
  17. I get it. But some of us find it easier to mock the handful of idiots in stupid parades like these. Like says who, I find some of these morons funny because they're so goddamn stupid. Like the fat dudes with weak chins and glasses carrying a Nazi flag proclaiming to be the superior race. We're not horrible for laughing at them.
  18. I'm bisexual. But I get it, even gay people don't think we really exist.
  19. And you know I'm straight, how? I've dealt with bigotry, dude. In more ways than one. I still laugh at idiots.
  20. I think most of us just find this small group of pathetic idiots worth mocking.
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