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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Well, as I've implied in this very thread, I'm not particularly patriotic, at least in the sense these over compensating people think you should be. And since I mentioned gymnastics specifically and not a bunch of other random sports, I'm gonna say it's probably just because I find it immensely entertaining.
  2. Well, believe it. My college lit teacher is none of those things. She's not overly political on social media, but I know she takes progressive stances on a bunch of social issues, doesn't like Trump, and isn't remotely a redneck.
  3. I think it's something mostly the hardcore racists are going to be upset about and it'll be exacerbated by internet trolls. Social media being a shithole just makes them more visible.
  4. No, I mean, they know about it. They're supportive or at the very least, not bothered by it. I actually did make a post about it a few days ago and it was quite popular.
  5. Wrong again, but hey, you wouldn't be you if you weren't always wrong and hateful!
  6. I dunno, but like I said, I have a lot of dumb people on my FB, nearly all of who are Trump fans, but I haven't seen any backlash from them and some are even outright supportive, sooo...?
  7. I mean, Trump's approval rating isn't exactly evidence in this case, but I guess I see what you're trying to do?
  8. I wouldn't call myself a gymnastics fan, because I don't have time to follow it year-round, but damn if I don't get excited to watch it during the Olympics every four years and cheer for Team USA.
  9. Hey, you've already done this one, try something new, if you're able to think up anything.
  10. Fair enough. But at this point, I'll stand by what I said until I see more. and I've actually seen people post it who don't fit into any of those categories. It's all anecdotal, though.
  11. I wish I could get into more sports(soccer, hockey, college sports, etc). There's just not enough time for all the things I already do and the things I wish I could do.
  12. I'd take a Digiorno over Little Ceaser's any day, honestly. Or that shitty, super greasy Pizza Pro that's the only option where my in-laws live. Had to eat that one night while we were there this weekend. It's edible, but not great. I've cut way back on my pizza consumption, though. Got my cholesterol way down(with the help of a statin) and my weight is trending downward. Pizza is just an occasional indulgence or convenience food for me.
  13. Shit, I originally came to this thread mostly to see Biggie raging and trolling about women and his fake brand of patriotism. It did not disappoint.
  14. I mean, Spork's evidence is all anecdotal. Search enough and you'll find a handful of idiots posting really, really stupid stuff. It doesn't make them a meaningful force, though. I'd love to see some statistical evidence, but I'm not sure that's possible with what we're talking about here. Social media is a cesspool full of trolls. I just think the outrage machine is overworking itself for this one, based on what I've seen so far.
  15. "I know you are but what am I?" Classic! Keep it up, bro.
  16. I'm going to continue to disagree. Social media is a cesspool, but I really don't see a handful of screencaps showing idiots being idiots is anything particularly meaningful. I have a lot of dumb and bigoted people on my FB(curse of growing up in the South and being surrounded by them). I see dumb and hateful shit all the time from them, but the fact I haven't seen one person complain about this particular issue is notable. At least to me.
  17. You're super bad at this. See, this is why I assume you're a troll. Not a very good one, mind you, but you try.
  18. It's getting kinda tiresome repeating myself, saying I have seen some backlash, personally, but not nearly on the level of the outrage that's supposedly justified by it.
  19. I mean, you're being pretty damn sexist here. The rest was just a general response to "you don't agree with me, so I must be trolling."
  20. Awww, it's cute what you're trying to do, but let's stick with the topic at hand. I'm not interested in other shit.
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