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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Not since my mom made me. Only time my bed is made is when we wash the sheets.
  2. I later went to Walmart and stayed there for 3 years, until shortly before graduating college and I felt far more secure there because they actually had clear rules and there was HR and a process to go through before you were fired. So I didn't feel like I'd be fired if I had to miss a day and if someone were breaking code of conduct(like being a fucking pervert) you had an avenue to address it. Walmart is far from perfect, but you had that much at least.
  3. I worked at Subway for about six months right out of high school and going into college. They fired me on the spot because I was horribly sick with a stomach virus and had to call in one day out of my six months there. Just like that. I walked in for my next shift and they told me I was out. Pretty sure they actually fired me because I complained to corporate about their son(who managed the store with them) being a serial sexual harasser, but yeah. Obviously no standards. We called some labor organization in the state at the time and I was basically told this was an at will employment state and they could fire me for whatever reason they wanted to, so t hat was a dead end. Plus, I was only 18 and it was Subway, so I didn't feel like fighting it too hard.
  4. Finally got back to Yakuza 0 last night, so I'll likely play more of that today. I've been struggling some with gaming lately.
  5. Nintendo typically makes very reliable hardware, not sure what's funny about that.
  6. I ordered the newest iPad last night. Like I said, the Fire Tablet was pretty much a nonstarter for me without Youtube. Plus, I'd owned the original Fire tablet years ago and quickly got rid of it for my iPad because I just wasn't a fan. I would have liked a bigger screen, but the crazy jump in price just wasn't worth it, considering what my main goal is for it.
  7. That sucks, but it's also why I never leave anything of value in my vehicle in public places. People are shitty. If you have to leave something in there, I'd just put it in the trunk.
  8. I don't let it drain to empty. It just started doing this over the last couple weeks. I charged it last week, because it dropped for 14% rather fast while sitting on the table, watched a couple videos during dinner, went to use it last night and it was completely dead. It's never done that before. I've had the thing for 7 years, I know how to use it.
  9. Yeah, I'm thinking iPad, just wanted to see if there were any viable Android options for cheaper. Fire Tablet is out, you can't even get the Youtube app on it. Amazon has been having the newest iPad on sale for $249, so that's a pretty sweet deal. Since I'm primarily using it for streaming and occasionally few other things, it just seems practical to go with that model and not spend double for the new Air or whatever.
  10. So it seems that my Gen 4 iPad I bought in November of 2012 has given out on me. It's been dropping charges rapidly, despite not being used a ton. I've waffled on upgrading for a while, because I don't use it just a ton these days, but the time is finally here. I need some recommendations. I mostly use my iPad when traveling or watching videos during cooking and at the dinner table. Its biggest use is for streaming video. When I upgrade, I'll probably use it a bit more heavily at first, since it'll be something new. Question is, do I go for another iPad or make a switch to something else? I've been in the Apple ecosystem for so long I don't know what Android tablets are out there or how they compare. Help me out, good people.
  11. I'd say Ben to a small extent, but that's about it. I don't dislike it, I really get into it at times, then it switches gears and I'm thrown off again. I'm just not seeing why it had to be that damn long.
  12. Last few days I've finished You Have the Right to Remain Innocent by James Duane and If These Walls Could Talk: Boston Red Sox by Jerry Remy and Nick Cafardo. Currently reading The Passenger by Lisa Lutz and working my way through IT. I'm only on page 440 or so of the latter, though. Only a 1000 pages to go!
  13. Looks awesome. I'm really doubting I finish the book before this releases, but that's okay. I really want this movie.
  14. Yup. I also have a really great chicken, rice, and beans dish I do. Healthy, delicious, and quick.
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