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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Not to mention no one is making fun of people for not being able to get laid here.
  2. Once people decided that dead children were worth the price of "muh freedoms" in 2012, the gun control debate died.
  3. Yeah, I'm sure you can make the US look great if you use the right metrics. This shit really gets old.
  4. Been a rough couple days, but I'm gonna get back to games tonight with Fire Emblem.
  5. If I have time tonight, I'm going to start A Night to Remember by Walter Lord. Seems crazy that I never read this when I was a kid obsessed with Titanic. I had several other books on the sinking and read constantly about it.
  6. It's so much fun reading the same argument every time this happens. It's super productive!
  7. About halfway through Nickel Boys and I can easily recommend it. Between Fire Emblem releasing and the final season of Orange is the New Black out, I’m reading this slower than I normally would.
  8. Yeah, I'm thinking my Transunion from my Capital One account told me a lot of that info. And I'm not sure how much the scores really differ. In my case, when we went to apply for our mortgage 5 years ago, the reports they gave us at the bank were pretty on par with what the reports we already had showed. And before that, when I bought my truck, it was pretty consistent, because I qualified for the 0% interest financing. I don't think it matters just a ton for us these days, since we're not applying for anything new and have no plans to for the foreseeable future.
  9. What all does the report entail? I get more than just my score, it breaks it down into categories. But my score is consistently over 800, so I guess I shouldn’t be too worried.
  10. Am I missing something? I get monthly credit score updates from my CC providers. Doesn't cost anything.
  11. Yeah, I assume you’d just download the orchestral soundtrack, which is great. Im ready for the Switch version. Orchestral soundtrack, portable, it’s the definitive version.
  12. I watched the first two episodes of the first season, but it was a bit bleak for me with my mood at the time. I do plan to watch the entire series at some point, but it's just a bit rough, considering how real work stuff is going. I have read the book, though.
  13. If I had a dollar for every person I've seen tout the Clintons are murderers conspiracy theories, I'd be a rich woman. Some of my coworkers even tout that bullshit.
  14. The game has been out a year, that's way no one has posted in it in a while, dude. The game is actually fantastic and the music is great.
  15. Finished Tenerife, I knew the story before, but goddamn, parts of that were gut wrenching. Now for for a novel that’s probably going to be equally tough on my emotions, The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead. Just came out a couple weeks ago. I read his last book, The Underground Railroad and found it really intense, so this was an easy buy for me. I need to go further back and try some of his earlier works.
  16. Finished The Passenger last night. It was a fun ride up until the end where it just let some major threads seemingly end without consequence and I hate when stories do that. Oh, well. Moving on, I'm actually reading IT at a faster pace lately. I'm sure I'll hit another wall with it at some point, but it's been moving along nicely. I really do like these characters. I also started reading Collision on Tenerife: The How and Why of the World's Worst Aviation Disaster by Jon Ziomek. My morbid mind likes reading about plane crashes and this is the big one. It had a small feature in a recent issue of Smithsonian Air and Space, so I picked it up.
  17. I've honestly hardly ever had a system fuck up on me that I've bought new. My fat PS2 stopped reading CDs after a number of years and that's pretty much it. I take care of my stuff and it generally works. My N3DSXL has issues with the paint wearing off where I hold it. More of a cosmetic issue, but whatever. Most stuff typically works if you use it right.
  18. Derrrrrrp! Try reading. They're not perfect, but over the past 35 years of being in the business, their products are generally quite reliable. If you'd actually read, you'd see that's what I said. Compared to the RROD from MS and the YLOD from Sony that was prevalent, Nintendo has done pretty well over the decades. You're kinda like the king of bad arguments across the board.
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