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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I mean, excuse me for misunderstanding your question, but it seemed pretty clear to me and I answered it. White supremacism is a very real threat and it's rising. Now it you want to be all pedantic, I guess I don't have a solid metric for what is indisputably the gravest threat facing the country right now, but that's what I meant when I said I don't care to get into another pedantic argument with you, much like your earlier exchange with Chris.
  2. I mean, it's pretty easy to search: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/30/us-hate-crime-rising-report
  3. I did answer it. I just have no desire for a long, pedantic, and ultimately pointless debate.
  4. Let me be clear I really, really don't have any interest in getting into a pedantic argument with you, as I'm seeing your other posts, but I've read several articles and studies showing that hate crimes are on the rise and have been the last few years. Yes, it's a very serious threat.
  5. She's not my girl and white supremacism is a far bigger domestic threat than anything else right now. Dumbass.
  6. I'm pretty sure that anyone who refers to themselves as an incel these days is part of "the movement." I've never heard of it referring to anything other than the violent, sexist movement that spurs men to commit these awful crimes.
  7. I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone here can agree that bullying people is bad. I wasn't aware lower-case incels were a group that needed protection or there was any distinction between them. It's a revolting movement that deserves ridicule.
  8. Please point out hateful rhetoric from Elizabeth Warren or any of the other Democratic candidates that contributed to this guy's motive. I'll wait. Dumbass.
  9. I don't know any of those books, but doesn't a book buying spree bring so much joy?
  10. Oh, been there done that. I know people who think the term has been watered down because you can't say racist things without being labeled a racist these days. Go figure. Also, it's not uncommon for these young, white, male mass shooters to be incels. It's becoming quite the trend. I mean, it kinda happens when you're violently outraged that women won't give you the sex that you deserve. It's not a big leap.
  11. We shouldn't use the term racist, either. Might trigger those people into violence.
  12. Yupppp. No one is shaming guys who aren't able to find a sexual partner here. Even the guys who have spoken about their difficulties in getting laid don't get shamed. But the actual incel movement should absolutely be criticized, because it's a disgusting mindset.
  13. Still trying to figure out where the shaming is.
  14. I should have been more careful when meeting @Kal-El814 and @Triage
  15. I mean, the movement is bigger and better funded, but as long as Republicans control part or all of the government, shit won't be done.
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