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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I think he probably just killed himself. It’s not uncommon. Now there’s definitely an argument to be had on how and why he was able to do this, given how high profile he was.
  2. I’m fromThe South and KFC is fried chicken Again, not crazy about it, but it’s still fried chicken.
  3. It is pizza. Not fantastic pizza, but pizza is pizza. I don’t like Little Caeser’s, but I’m not sticking to some weird notion that it’s not pizza just because I don’t care for it. Some pizza is just better than others, but at the end of the day...it’s still pizza. A greasy, unhealthy combination of bread, sauce, cheese and toppings.
  4. It's always the Clintons. It's been the Clintons since The Boys on the Tracks. It was the Clintons a couple months ago when a former AR State Sen was found murdered because she was investigating the Clintons' rold in a DHS scandal(she wasn't).
  5. Yeah, I almost never buy concessions at the theater. I did get a personal pizza for Endgame and it was painful paying essentially the price of a large pizza for it. I just eat before I go.
  6. Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America by Beth Macy.
  7. Ah, forgot my husband has imported a few things lately. I'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them.
  8. I do own both the original and the sequel on NES. I also own Rescue Rangers and its sequel. I got the remake on Steam a long time ago, but still haven't gotten around to playing it.
  9. His type always does that. It's weird how these types of men think that just because you call out their bullshit you're obsessed with them. Smh.
  10. Awww, but @nublood thought you were actually on his side. Poor guy.
  11. Orange is the New Black: The Final Season - 8/10 Stuck with the show all these years, it's had some ups and downs and not all of this season worked, but damn if it didn't make me super emotional. A fitting end for most of the characters.
  12. A lot of your attempts at humor just feel like you're picking at people and fall flat. And I'm not just talking about what you say to me. My exchange with sbl was quite mild and easily resolved.
  13. Not really, I was just trying to be patient. Why do you have to be so antagonistic?
  14. You're welcome, though I don't know how I didn't answer it sufficiently with my first reply.
  15. Ah, a well-timed article that just popped up in my news feed! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/domestic-terrorism-white-supremacists-islamist-extremists_n_594c46e4e4b0da2c731a84df?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013&utm_source=politics_fb&section=politics&utm_medium=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3f9rXv5jkV0Xhsd4KJlKInil0o5QQlEYk098JGRTwZthfCtrFtTLOJR78
  16. I feel like it's because you keep picking and I'm trying to patiently answer without getting in to deep. I don't think it's a stretch to argue that far right terrorism is a bigger threat to this country than than other types of ideologically motivated attacks, such as Islamic extremism, far left extremism, ecoterrorism, etc. That's what I meant. Sorry for any confusion on your part.
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