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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I think the article gives plenty of reasons why this could be problematic.
  2. Anyway, back to the actual topic, what in the fuck is this shit? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/19/portland-bank-robber-facial-tattoos-photoshop-mug-shot/?tid=sm_fb
  3. I guess I thought they already owned them. Ah well. No change for me, then!
  4. I'm skeptical you'll like it based on what you've said. I still need to open and play my $10 copy. But I'm also suffering from open world burnout.
  5. Eh, just watch the last couple episodes. You'll see endings for just about every character, though you'll have missed a lot that got them there.
  6. That's good and all, but as I said this isn't the cause for my on and off issues. You're right, everyone does have different circumstances.
  7. I sat up way too late and watched 4 episodes. This might be even better than the first season.
  8. Oh, I remember now. Sorta. I'd forgotten Johnny came over with them, though.
  9. Easy to say, harder to do. I definitely do some things that make me happy and keep my mind off the sucky stuff. Reading has been my escape lately. It's like I'm not sure what the root issue is right now, but certain things make it worse. I still appreciate the intent with your advice, though. Thanks.
  10. No, but 3 and 5 on on the want list.
  11. At least they're rebuilding. As much as I enjoyed the Championship last year, Boston has me worried to an extent. I forget how much money is coming off the books after this season, but they still have a lot invested in big contracts and pitching is the issue. This year's rotation has underwhelmed and the bullpen is just terrible.
  12. Totally forgot about posting recent pickups until a few minutes ago. Husband has been on a bit of an import spree, he's also got some others bought and watching a few more on eBay. The one where the title isn't obvious is Majin Tensei, it now has a fan translation.
  13. I've been in such a gaming funk, maybe just a funk in general the last couple weeks. I've got three games I've started, but I find it hard to want to sit down and play any of them. For reference, it's Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Night in the Woods, and Yakuza 0. I may try to give FE a go tonight. Just wish I could shake this thing, whatever it is.
  14. I'm at 39 books on the year, just finished a baseball book that wasn't particularly well-written. I hate it when I find typos in books. Kinda not sure what I want to start next, but I may just work on getting through It for now. I'm over halfway there, around 850 pages or so. God, this thing is so long.
  15. I've watched the entire series twice, the last time a couple months ago and while I enjoyed a lot of the later seasons, they're definitely weaker and I get the criticism. If you didn't enjoy season 6, you'll be fine stopping there.
  16. Hey, can you stop being a dick, for like a day? I can count on one hand how many food arguments I've been in in recent memory and I usually quit after a few posts, because it's the same thing every time. You guys went on for another page or so in the pizza isn't pizza argument.
  17. It's been such a disappointing season for Boston, but Rafael Devers has been pure joy to watch. Also really happy to see Bogaerts having such a nice season after signing that extension.
  18. I've been to places outside of my state. Plenty. Why do people assume I only stay in my home state?Beer isn't that pricey everywhere. You can get a common domestic beer during happy hour for $2 or maybe $2.50 in a lot of places. It's not a rare thing. Either way, I don't really care that much because I rarely drink. Food and drink arguments are the lamest.
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