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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. My 15 pounder would easily wake me out of a dead sleep with her barking. And she barks at strangers.
  2. Yeah, and we have cameras set up. I'm still locking my doors. It cost nothing and takes literally half a second. Why wouldn't someone just lock their doors? I know, I don't get it. I'm in a Next Door forum for my neighborhood and a few weeks ago I saw a post about someone having a couple laptops stolen from their unlocked car overnight. I mean, wtf?
  3. Dude, stop perpetuating the crazy fear that someone could break in. I'm sure they could have just worked it out by talking and maybe calling the police for backup if the talk didn't work.
  4. I find not locking my doors to be bizarre. My neighborhood is safe, I'll step outside to let my dog out at 3am, but I'm not going to bed without locking my doors. That's just common sense.
  5. I also keep my doors locked, so some poor confused person isn't going to accidentally come into my home. This discussion sorta made me think about a case I saw some time back. There was a patient who was permanently brain damaged and disabled because he got caught molesting a child and the family administered some street justice. Wonder if the extreme pacifists would stick to their principles if something like that happened. I don't even have kids and my instinct would be to wreck the pervert if I caught them in the act.
  6. I'm seriously close to finishing It! Really wanted to get it done before the movie comes out and I'm about 200 pages away. It's been my main focus lately.
  7. I've heard those are nice. I used to bounce around with Nike and New Balance, then switched to Asics about 8 years ago and never really tried much else. I did get a pair of Under Armour a few years back, but wasn't crazy about them. They get worn at work on occasion and that's all.
  8. Oh, fuck no. I'm not claiming to be some badass. I'd be terrified. If I were able, I'd crouch down in a corner of my bedroom with my pistol, call 911 and be shaking in terror. If they came through the bedroom door, I'd shoot. That's only in the "ideal" situation. I don't live my life in fear and I don't carry guns in public. I've never even bothered to get a concealed carry license. I just don't feel a need.
  9. Shit is crazy dangerous. We only use the patches in my area. It's way too high risk and the IV stuff is limited to surgery and ICU.
  10. I guess I don't get that sort of extreme pacifism where you value the life of someone who would do you harm over your own, but kudos if you wanna stick to your principles, I guess. At least the odds are in our favor that most of us won' ever encounter such a situation, at least.
  11. I read today that Tyler Skaggs died from an OD. I kinda figured that, but still sad to have confirmation. Crazy to think these guys who put so much work into their bodies go down that path.
  12. These are more my style. This is one of the pairs I own and wear for daily use:
  13. I did a Google search that took about a minute and it seems all the main games are set in more modern times and follow a chronological path with each new entry. Easy enough to follow. I need to get back to 0. I played 10 hours or so but it was going kind of slow and I dropped off. I want to like this series and it seems like it's something I should be able to get into easily enough, so I dunno what the deal is so far.
  14. Okay, but my response was more directed at sbl's blanket statement that you shouldn't ever shoot a person breaking into your home. Different situations call for different measures. If someone just broke into my garage, my first instinct wouldn't be to shoot them, but call 911. Not every situation is the same. But people probably just shouldn't be breaking into other peoples' homes.
  15. Seeing this thread and I'm wondering if I should go back to this game to get myself back in a gaming mood. It's sounding kind of appealing. I need something to trigger me out of this funk.
  16. Cool you liked it, but I just found it incredibly boring. I don't recall the controls bothering me, I simply couldn't be entertained by it.
  17. Oh, shit, I didn't even see that one. That could easily be my #2. People seem to love it and I just don't get it. I tried the first one and it did nothing for me. Later, I was dumb enough to get Tearaway because of all the praise and the general lack of Vita content and it was almost the same story. I did push myself to play it a little further, but ultimately, I was pretty blah on it.
  18. I mean, it's not unreasonable to shoot someone who breaks into your home. My first thought is to call 911, wait in my bedroom and if someone comes in there, they're getting blasted. I don't really expect to ever be in that scenario nor is it something I spend much time worrying about, but it's always a distant possibility and I'm not going to not defend myself if the situation occurs.
  19. Need to keep this one in mind for when I finally want to play games again.
  20. How dare people have their preferences that are different from mine! I don't think that's the word you're looking for.
  21. Somehow I don't think that's what he was referring to.
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