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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Ya, I'm super excited to be spending a few grand to replace the AC.
  2. He has said he was doing a ton of coke when he wrote the book. He also said he regrets it and it had played out differently in his head.
  3. It's a beast. My Kindle version was nearly 1500 pages. And the child orgy scene is painful. So glad they cut that from the movie. Still a good book, but there are a lot of differences. And Henry and his gang are more terrifying and it really delves into their characters more.
  4. More AC Odyssey tonight. Since it was too hot to play upstairs on my PC with no AC right now, I played it last night on the weaker game room PC. A 970 runs it reasonably well at 1080p. I don't notice the downgrade so much sitting further back. It's currently 89 degrees in the main level of our home right now.
  5. I liked it. Yeah, the kid cast has better chemistry, but they really nailed the adult casting. Feel like I need to watch them both again, back to back, later on to get a better feel. And having just finished the book, my mind kept comparing the movie scenes to the book, lol.
  6. More AC Odyssey, hopefully. But my AC went out and I'm not so sure if I'll be able to stand the heat with my PC running full blast. Might have to bring a fan in the room to blow on me while I play.
  7. Pretty much how I felt about it. I did everything but finish the hordes because there were so many of them and I got bored and was ready to move on to something else.
  8. Oh, hell yes. Thanks for the heads up! His book on the Templars is also on my wishlist.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/05/an-alabama-man-has-been-death-row-years-he-is-almost-certainly-innocent/ Excellent journalism, but the story is infuriating. Our justice system is broken.
  10. Blew through All We Ever Wanted in less than two days. Now reading two books: The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors by Dan Jones. Been wanting to read this since I finished his book on the Plantagenet dynasty. I also started Matilda. I know it's a kids book, but I never read it back then and it's a classic. I loved the movie so much when I was a kid. It'll be a quick read.
  11. Also, I'm betting skillz is ignoring sexyshap more because of his attitude than the fact he's gay. Skillz isn't a homophobe. Hardly anyone here is.
  12. More Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Really having fun here.
  13. Not sure why I came into this thread, because I'm not much for stand-up comedy(aside from random videos from Jim Jeffries or Trae Crowder), but what a show this thread has been.
  14. Huh. Well, growing up Baptist with plenty of Pentecostal exposure from my father's family, I can honestly say I've never experienced it. My parents are just good old fashioned racists without using religion as justification.
  15. I dunno what kinda Christians you guys are around, but in my part of Bible Belt I don't think I've ever heard someone use the religious excuse for that in modern times.
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